Monday, August 19, 2024

Two for Two

The plan for the later half of the year was to finish a quilt a month.  As of August, I'm 2 for 2.  The 2023 Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) was finished in July. This month the 2024 SAHRR (Quilting Gail) is a finished quilt. 

The binding was finished last Tuesday, but it I wasn't able to get photos till this weekend.  This quilt is for Grad Girl. Of course the inspiration for the quilt was Grad Girl's kitty, Queenie. I had planned for a black and orange quilt (Oklahoma State colors), but had not planned to make it a Halloween quilt.  But those were the fabrics Grad Girl liked, so that's how it went together.  

Queenie certainly doesn't have orange eyes, but she's very black.  In a dark room she's startled Grad Girl and her roommate more than once, earning herself the nickname of "Shadow Demon".  So of course the quilt absolutely has to have the same name.  

Trudy Lindemann did the quilting with swirls and stars, which works so well with the Halloween fabrics.  Of course I'm sure you can see the close resemblance between my center block and Queenie. 

The back of the quilt is pieced using a couple of Halloween fabrics.

The orange print has spiders on it (not one of Grad Girl's favorite things, but hopefully it won't wig her out too badly).  The center fabric also has black kitties on it. You can see that clearly in this close up of the backing.

My Guy said the haunted house on this fabric reminds him of the one on the Scooby Doo intro.  Which was one of Grad Girl's absolute favorite cartoons when she was little. 

Shadow Demon turned out much better than I expected. It was such a fun quilt to make. Grad Gril is really excited for it to make it's way to her couch. That won't happen till October, but she should have it in time for Halloween.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  Also linking up with Favorite Finish over at Quilting Jetgirl.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

This quilt turned out great, It coordinates perfectly with her cat! Happy stitching!

Vicki in MN said...

The layout looks fantastic that it looks like you planned it out before you ever started!

Sara said...

Everything about this one is fabulous!!

Bonnie said...

I definitely see the similarities between the live cat and the fabric cat... I think it is the eyes. You remind me I have a Halloween quilt that needs to be reviewed and the top finished. I have a lot of Halloween fabric that I plan to use for the backing. Thanks for the reminder!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

forgot about your Halloween quilt - it looks great

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Oh yes, the center looks very like her beautiful black cat, I love the name Shadow Demon! Perfect name for a gorgeous quilt, and I love all your rows. Thank you for sharing this second finish on the month!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a great quilt finish, Kate! Queenie was the perfect inspiration for it - the eyes of the fabric cat just glow. I love that background fabric with the little stars, too. Grad Girl is going to love this!

Michelle Suzanne said...

I totally love this kitty Halloween quilt. Well done!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your SAHRR quilt looks amazing, Kate. What a wonderful gift for Grad Girl. The black kitty does look like Queenie minus the orange eyes. Ha! The haunted house does look like Scooby Doos into mansion- how cute.

Barbara said...

Fabulous. I love it!

bcarlf said...

I love the quilt and especially love Queenie. A great quilt for Grad Girl and for Queenie!

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Ha, Scooby Doo! I think I agree! I have a special place for black kitties (I had my Tasha for 19 years) and they do make the best Halloween decor. I'm sure your daughter will love this reminder of Queenie. When Tasha was young, I called her Psycho Kitty because she would get such crazy eyes when she started playing so intensely.

Nann said...


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Its perfect in so many ways!!! I think he is right about the scooby doo intro - too funny! But the center cat - that is awesome!

Jennifer said...

Hooray, it’s a great finish and I bet she will love it!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love the story about how the quilt got its name (and Queenie got her nickname). Congratulations on the finish and I'm sure Grad Girl is going to be thrilled with it!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I totally recognized Queenie from the photo and the quilt! Nice that you made it for Grad Girl!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kate, what a wonderful quilt! The way you used the SAHRR borders on your quilt really work. Congrats on a great finish!