Monday, August 12, 2024

Slow Starting Monday

Lots of lightening and thunder this morning.  So I decided to sleep in just a bit as I didn't want to turn on the computer in the middle of a thunderstorm.  The extra sleep was probably wise as I was fighting off a sinus infection all weekend. The afternoon naps are paying off as I'm finally starting to feel better, but it also meant that I didn't get all that much done in the sewing room.  

Diatom (Quilting Jetgirl) is up on the design wall. 

The rows are all sewn together.  The horizontal sashing strips have been sewn and cut to size. The strips for the narrow border are also cut.  I'm hoping to have a finished quilt top by the end of the week as it will just need one more border after that. 

Borders seem to be the activity of the weekend as Inidgo Way (Bonnie Hunter) just needs one more to be a finished quilt top.


The plan is to add a final narrow border of the dark blue.  I don't have much left, so I may have to switch to a red final border. Making that decision is on the agenda for this afternoon. 

It wasn't the most productive weekend, but definitely not the worst either.  Linking up with Design Wall Monday and with Patchwork & Quilts.


Bonnie said...

Both quilts are really wonderful. I hope you get both moved along this week.

Nann said...

The intense blues in Diatom are wonderful! I like your Indigo Way setting.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love all these blue blocks, and a dark blue or red narrow border will be lovely on Indigo! Thank you for sharing your progress.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I like the square in a square blocks in the corners of Indigo Way! Looks like your Diatom top is going to be quick to put together, too. You're making lots of good progress!

Barbara said...

Sorry you’ve been feeling poorly. Do you have enough of the dark blue for a dark blue binding? It looks good just as it is. I can see a dark blue border too, but maybe a binding would give the same effect.

Julie in GA said...

I love your Diatom blocks! The intense blues are gorgeous! Indigo Way is looking great too.

Sara said...

Hopefully the sinus infection goes away. Diatom is really looking sharp. And Indigo Way is pretty as can be with that border.

Linda said...

You're so lucky, Oklahoma has gotten so much rain recently. As it crosses the Red River 7 miles north of us, it dies out - lol! Diatom has such pleasing, calming colors for me - I love it.

time4stitchn said...

Your diatom is so striking! At first I thought it was a color study using the different blocks like Robin Pickens does. But no, yours is a beautiful assembly of like blocks. And I love the red, white and blue quilt. so pretty!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Our bodies know when we need the rest. Sinus infections can certainly drain one as well. Indigo Way is looking amazing, Kate as does Diatom. It is always fun to see what you have going on in the quilt room.