Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Photo Play: July Summary

It was so hot and humid in July, even in the mornings, that I just didn't do much on the photography front.  I did finish another chapter in Visual Poetry by Chris Orwig, but it was on portrait photography.  Portrait photography isn't something I do often. I do take a few family photos when we all get together, that's the chapter under review at the moment. 

All that to say, there's not much to share on the photography front this month.  Macro photography is probably my most favorite thing to do so it's not surprising that the bulk of the photos this month are with the Sigma 105 mm macro lens on the Canon 70D (some photos have been cropped).  

My Guy uses sweet potatoes in one of his bread recipes. So he keeps them around, but sometimes he doesn't have time to make his bread, so they sit. This batch sprouted in the fruit/veggie bowl we have for things that shouldn't be refrigerated. The sprouts were getting so tall, it was annoying when trying to get into the cabinets. So rather than getting upset and pitching them (as I was very tempted to do), I used them as a photo subject. 

The leaves seemed to glow like jewels under just the right light.  Not sure I fully captured it here.  But at least my photography efforts kept them out of the garbage can (which is what happened to the previous set). My Guy did finally plant these a couple of weeks ago.  

The basket flowers were still blooming in mid July.  The bumble bees absolutely loved them.

Such vivid colors with the pink/green and black/yellow.  The basket flowers are all now crispy and brown. Just one of the indicators that summer is coming to a close.  

I was out one morning trying to capture a shot of clouds for our family photography challenge with the Tamron 14-400 mm telephoto lens.  There was a lot of dew that morning and as the sun rose the field started to sparkle. 

This shot wasn't exactly what I was going for, but it captured the essence of the morning.  I really need to work on and practice my landscape photography.  It's not one of my better photography skills.

Another quest to get a cloud photo, this time with my I-Phone 12 resulted in this image. 

It's not the best photo from a technical perspective, but it gives me such Sci Fi vibes, like something you'd see in an aliens attack movie. The weird angle of the buildings with the beam of light coming off the "hole in the sky" bright white spot just produce that alien invasion vibe. That definitely wasn't the goal of the photograph. Sometimes you just have to accept happy accidents.  

July wasn't the most productive month on the photography front, but I did spend a lot more time in the sewing room.  Some months it's a trade off.  I've not done much in August either, so it may be a really short summary post for this month too.  


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your photo of the bee on the flower, Kate! They're so fascinating to watch. The sky photo is a beauty, too. It's fun when you catch something like that with the beam of light coming out of the clouds!

Barbara said...

Great photos, Kate. I enjoyed reading your discussions of them too. I’ve seen those sparkly fields of grass. Do you have a starburst filter? Sometimes you can get some cool shots that way too. I’ve felt slowed down for the past couple of weeks. None of my projects are inspiring me, and so I drag my feet. On the other hand, there’s not much else going on, and so I work on them anyway.

Linda said...

Love the beam with the clouds as well as the bee photo, the sparkly field, and the sweet potato leaf. How cool that your Guy planted the sweet potato!

Jennifer said...

Haha, love your approach to take a picture instead of getting mad! Nice pictures, I really like the early morning dew.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

These are amazing, Kate. I think my favorite if I had to choose one would be the glistening morning dew- gorgeous. Love that bumblebee too.