What a weird week. Last Thursday the temperatures in Oklahoma reached record lows, -29 F (-34 C). The high for this Thursday afternoon was 80 F (26 C). Guess there is something to that old saying, "If you don't like the weather, wait an hour or two and it will change".
On to more interesting topics then the weather, like Favorite Things Friday. I've caught a bit of grief from my family that I don't blog more about them. Especially on the weekly Favorite Thing Friday blogs. I suppose it is my own fault, I do tell both my guy and kiddo that they are my top two favorite things of all time (Of course kiddo has to ask, "But which one of us is number one?") To be honest, I didn't think they'd want me writing about the entertaining (embarrassing?) antics that go on in this household on a regular basis. So in order to save face (and gain some peace), I'm going to share one of my favorite things about kiddo, her writing. Feel free to jump to the end if you want to be spared the "proud mama" stuff that follows.
Kiddo started her first book when she was 4 or 5. It was called "Super Unicorn".
Super Unicorn by Kiddo In Pieces |
She couldn't really write at that point, but she carried around a stack of papers for several weeks and told us all about the exploits of Super Unicorn. There have been a couple of other book efforts, one from 2nd or 3rd grade written by Kiddo and illustrated by her best friend, which was originally titled "The Adventures of Kiddo and Her Best Friend" (the names have been changed to protect the guilty).
This is one of my favorite pieces. Kiddo started swimming as part of the local team in 2009 and last spring started going to meets.
by Kiddo In Pieces
Your breathing increases as you walk and stand in front of the block. Your mind goes different places trying to relax but it always goes back to what you are going to do. The person in front of you finishes, you take in a deep breath hoping to ease that twist in the pit of your stomach. Your hands grip the sides of the block tightly until a long whistle is blown. You ease yourself onto the block slow enough to not slip but fast enough to position yourself before the moment. "Take your mark." a voice says. You grab the edge of the block barely holding on. The word "Go!" comes into your ears and you push off. For a moment of complete silence you feel as if you are flying hundreds of feet above the earth but quickly come back to reality. Your fingers break the water's surface and the words “Swim hard and don't stop” come to mind. And as the rest of your body follows you feel as if you belong to the water.
You'd never know all this goes through her head from watching her, she always looks so calm and cool before her events.
Kiddo getting ready to swim |
Another family favorite originated on the way home after the first day of school. Kiddo was describing how her brain had shut down and was struggling to restart, complete with sound effects, which eventually morphed into this bit of visual literature.
Brain Waves by Kiddo In Pieces |
Thanks for letting me share one of my favorite things about kiddo.
The "proud mama stuff" is over, so you are safe if you wanted to skip that part. For more favorite things, check out Mrs P. over at Quilting in My Pyjamas.