It hasn't been the best week on a number of fronts. I've got some type of respiratory infection that's been ramping up for the last week. Yesterday was pretty much a recliner/couch/bed day. My nose is sore from all the blowing, my chest hurts from all the coughing, and my head hurts. With all that going on, my sewing room time hasn't been wonderful this last week.
To Do List for 02/04/2025
1. 2025 SAHRR: Finish the 3rd border - progress
2. Guild BOM: Finish the March blocks - no progress
3. Chocolate Marshmallow: find backing fabric - no progress
4. Marble Mystery: Finish quilt assembly, start borders - progress
5. Old Town: Continue working on clues ✔
6. Wild and Goosey: Finish purple and start blue blocks ✔
7. Summer Scrap Quilt: Continue as leaders and enders ✔
It's actually not such a bad week, it was a long list. I have a few check marks to go along with the no progress comments. Since I'm still fighting this crud, I'm going with a much more pared down list for this next week.
To Do List for 02/11/2025
1. Guild BOM: Finish March Blocks
I have to have this ready for the guild meeting next Tuesday. So it becomes my highest priority.
2. SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Finish 3rd border, start on 4th border
The 3rd border just needs 3 more Friendship stars. Those are in various stages of assembly at the sewing machine, they won't take long to finish. I have border 4 drafted, just need to cut the fabrics and start assembly. Hopefully it will go faster than these stars did.
3. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making blue blocks
4. Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt (Kevin the Quilter): Continue as leaders and enders
A much shorter list for this week. Hopefully I'll get to feeling better as the week goes on and be more productive than I feel capable of now.
Linking up with the Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.