I was definitely ready for Saturday to get here. The plan is for a nothing but stitching day to celebrate the end of the work week and the beginning of October. Just three months left in 2020. Though I will be glad to see the end of this year, there's not much time left to finish my 2020 PHD.
There is an update to my tracking spreadsheet, but it's not a new check mark in the finished column.
The Morewood Mystery quilt September clue had me cutting into the fabric to make last months blocks. I count a quilt started once I cut the fabric, so it had to go onto the tracking sheet as a new start in 2020.
This mystery quilt is a planned start, it was part of my 2020 quilt plan. This quilt along won't end till sometime in 2021, so not finishing this quilt doesn't count against my PHD progress this yearSo one addition, but no check offs. But there's been good progress in the last month, so there's hope for some finishes before the end of the year.
Storm at Sea is back from being quilted. Trudy as usual, did a wonderful job with it. Now I need to make the binding and label, then get them attached to finish off quilt number 4 for the year. This is my October One Monthly Goal.
The Christmas Mystery quilt has been sent out for quilting.
It should be back ready for binding before the end of the month. So it's possible there will be two new check marks in the finished column by November.
A backing was pieced for Frolic.
The backing and quilt top need to be prepped for quilting. That should happen this month. So fingers crossed that puts another check mark on the PHD tracking spreadsheet before the end of the year.
Borders were finally selected and stitched on to the Daisy Chain Mystery Quilt.
Next step is to search the stash for something to back it with. Not sure that will happen this month, but it's on the list.
Progress on Unity has been slow.
Unity, 2020 Bonnie Hunter Sew-In-Place Quilt Along |
I'm still stitching HSTs and making Friendship Star blocks for step 4.
September saw enough progress to add a new UFO to the "in progress" list.
Red, White, and Blue stars is my oldest UFO. The blocks have been made for a while, but I could never decide how to set them. After a few new stash additions and photo mock ups, I finally ended up sticking with my original fabric choice. Hopefully this project will be a finished quilt top by the end of the month.
So no new check marks this month. But it's looking promising that there will be a few added between now and the end of the year. Linking up with the Quilting Gail for the 2020 PHD Challenge.