Saturday, January 25, 2025
Week 134 Photo Challenge: Graveyard
Thursday, January 23, 2025
The 2025 SAHRR: Round #1
The Stay At Home Round Robin is off and running for 2025.
I really enjoy the design part of the challenge. My problem is limiting my designs to something I can actually make in a week. At least my first border was an easy sew. Kathleen McMusing set the first prompt: either a King's Crown block or make blocks that begin with the your first initial. My name starts with a "K", though some people spell it with a "C", so I kept that as a potential option. You can actually query Google with a search "quilt blocks that start with the letter K". So that's where I started and pretty quickly found a potential option. After playing around in EQ, this is what I ended up with.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
To Do List for the Week of 01/21/2025
Monday, January 20, 2025
Priority Projects
I'm not really ready for it to be Monday, even if it is a holiday. Of course being retired, it's almost like another day, except I get to hang out with My Guy because he's off work. I did spend a lot of time in the sewing room this weekend. I finished priority project #1 on Friday, my center block for the SAHRR.
I've seen the prompt for the first round posted over at Kathleen McMusing's blog. My plan is for 3" or 4" borders for each round so her first part of the prompt won't work for me. So I'm going to have to find another block that works with the first letter of my name. I think I have an idea. I'll definitely be playing in EQ later this morning to see if I can make that work.
The second priority project was to finish the February block for the guild BOM.
That was finished just before shutting down for the evening last night. So I'm ready for the guild meeting tomorrow.
The only other progress I made was actually assembling the one block A for the Marble Mystery.
I'm pretty happy with my fabric choices, we'll have to see if that's still the case once I get the other blocks made and the quilt assembled.
That's what's up on my design wall currently. Linking up with Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Stitching Stuff: Week 3 of 2025
It's been a good week on the stitching front. My big goal was to get my deadline sewing completed. The center for the 2025 SAHRR is finished. I'm still working on the guild BOM, but should be able to finish that up later today. I've had to be in the sewing room to stay caught up.
- 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
- 15 minute days/2025 = 17/18 days
- Success rate = 94.44%
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