Monday, August 26, 2024

What's Off and Back On the Design Wall

It's been a so-so year for finishes but a pretty good year for progress on many projects. Just three finishes so far this year, but double that number of projects have moved from a collections of pieces or blocks to finished quilt tops. The latest one to get the final borders added is the 2023 Bonnie Hunter Mystery, Indigo Way.

My borders don't look like Bonnie's, but I rarely keep to her plan at that point.  It's a pretty busy quilt, but the dark blue border calms it all down, so the finished top works for me. I'm excited to have last year's BH mystery to the quilt top stage before this year's mystery kicks off.  I doubt this quilt is quilted before the next mystery kicks off. I have older projects that are on the to be quilted list ahead of this one.  

The last half of this year could be described as the "catch up on BH mystery quilts" time.  Rhododendron  (BH 2021) is out for quilting. Indigo Way is now a finished quilt top and the sashings for Chilhowie (BH 2022) are currently under construction.  

The first row of blocks are stitched together.  Two of the blocks from the second row are over at the sewing machine waiting for the sashing pieces to be stitched to each.  This project should also reach finished quilt top stage before much longer.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  


Bonnie said...

Wonderful round up on your BH mystery quilts. I will someday finish the one in my quilt closet. I'm just not that motivated. Congrats on getting Indigo Way to top stage before the next mystery starts!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like Bonnie's pattern's but yet seldom make one - it looks good

Barbara said...

Indigo Way looks great. The dark outer border was just what it needed.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your Indigo Way! Those borders are perfect for it. They frame all the busy blocks really nicely!

Linda said...

Indigo Way looks lovely with that pretty blue border. I'm still very fond of your version of Chilhowie - I really like your colors. I'm probably the only quilter in the world who is not a fan of Bonnie Hunter, but your versions are very persuasive to me. ;)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Indigo Way is magnificent, Kate! Congratulations on the finish! I love how your borders turned out. Beautiful job!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh I like how you did your borders!!

Jennifer in Indy said...

What a great quilt top, congrats on getting it to this stage, that’s a big milestone on the BH quilts!