Tuesday, August 6, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 08/06/2024

My Guy is off on a business trip, so I have the house to myself for a few days.  I lived alone for many years before we were married, but it feels so weird now.  A lot of stitching got done yesterday, but I have other chores to get done today.  But there will probably be some later night stitching again tonight.  

Having more stitching time yesterday helped me finish off the last couple of items on last week's to do list. It was a long one. 

To Do List for 07/30/2024

1. Rhododendron: Prep quilt for quilting ✔
2. Kate's Choice: Make last two blocks ✔
3. Indigo Way: Make blocks for pieced border ✔
4. 2024 SAHRR: Make label, make binding, trim quilt ✔
5. Wild and Goosey: Finish teal blocks, start orange blocks✔
6. Diatom: Determine layout, start assembly ✔
7. Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt: Leaders and enders ✔

I didn't expect to check off all seven items. So definitely one of my more productive weeks.  

This week's list isn't quite as long, so hopefully I can do as well on it.  

To Do List for 08/06/2024

1.  Rhododendron (Bonnie Hunter): Finish packing and send out for quilting. 

The backing and the quilt top are pressed and de-threaded. I found a box that works. I just need to make a label and take it to the post office.  That should happen today. 

2.  2024 SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Finish the binding

The binding is sewn to the front. All that's left is the hand stitching it to the back.  It's not a large quilt, so I should be able to finish that this week. I'm really excited to finish this one, so is Grad Girl.   

3.  Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue to work on borders.

Two of the pieced borders are finished. The third is mostly assembled at the sewing machine. I need to take a few measurements before I cut the light blue spacer pieces for the last two pieced borders.  Indigo Way should be a finished quilt top before the end of the month.  

4. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making orange blocks.

Orange is one of the minor colors in the quilt, so it would probably be wise to count how many are done so I don't make more than needed.  I'm probably not that close, but I should check.  

5. Diatom (Quilting Jetgirl): Finish sashing, start borders

The top row is sewn together and the sashing strips have been added to the second row.  Finishing up the sashing should be very doable this week.  

6. Simply Sensational Summer Scrap quilt (Kevin the Quilter): Continue as leaders and enders. 

I had to dig out a few of my yellow fat quarters, but I cut enough squares to make a few 2 patches. Next step is to sew these into 4 patches.  

So this week's list isn't much shorter than last week's list, but some of the to do's are a bit easier than last week's.  Even if I don't check off all of them, it will have been a good week if I get most of them.  

Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday


Sara said...

The diamond border on Indigo Way is really stunning! Great job on your goals.

Pam said...

I keep debating about adding in the SSSS Quilt to my list. 🤔

Pam said...

I keep debating on adding the SSSS Quilt to my list 🤔😁

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You did have a productive week based on all those checkmarks! Indigo Way looks great - I really like those borders. Hope your guy isn't gone too much longer. I know the feeling - I enjoy a day all to myself now and then, but if it goes on too long, the house starts to feel awfully quiet!

Barbara said...

Everything is so pretty. I’m looking forward to seeing the finish on SAHRR. Indigo Way and Diatom are just beautiful.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You have made a lot of progress on Indigo Way and I look forward to the final reveal of your SAHRR all finished. Have a wonderful week, Kate. The days seem long when my hubby is gone too. Thankfully we both have these great hobbies to take our minds off of it. Hugs

Linda said...

I remember when I used to look forward to getting things done when my husband was out of town, but always started missing him as soon as he left. Diatom is already stunning. GG is probably clapping her hands already in anticipation of the SAHRR - I can't wait to see it!

dq said...

Wow! So much is looking done like you promised! A top done, a binding attached, adding borders, block making, and sashing ready all on different projects! Wowzer!