Monday, July 15, 2024

Finish #2 for 2024

My handwork project during our 4th of July road trip was the binding for the 2023 Stay at Home Round Robin sponsored by Quilting Gail.  I finished the binding on Tuesday, but wasn't able to get photos till Sunday afternoon.  Here's the finished Blue Birds. 

This was my first time participating in the round robin. It was such fun and I'm really happy with how the final quilt turned out. All the blocks are made from my blue, green, purple and teal scraps. This quilt is destined to be My Guy's new TV recliner quilt.  He's been using one of my rejects, a QOV quilt that had major problems with a fabric that bleed badly when I washed it.  I'd made one for him a couple of years ago but Grad Girl begged to take that one to grad school. It really was too big for the recliner so My Guy let that one go.  (Grad Girl has threatened to take this quilt as well. Which is why this year's SAHRR has a black cat at the center and will be my next finish).  

Here's the label:


The bird on the left is a Mountain Blue Bird (the ones we have locally are Eastern Blue Birds).  The bird on the right is an Indigo Bunting, which are native to Oklahoma.  Most Saturdays in the spring and summer My Guy heads out to the blue bird trail just to the south of the research center to check the blue bird nests.  He photographs all types of birds on those expeditions.  So it's not surprising I picked Blue Birds as the name of this quilt.  

Trudy quilted large leafy vines over the quilt. 

It adds a very nice texture to the whole quilt.  The two birds in the center are fabric representations of a Indigo Bunting and a Blue Bird.   

The backing really fits the theme. 

Maybe the birds aren't blue, but there is plenty of teal and purple which show up on the front of the quilt.  

Finish #2 is definitely one of my favorites from the UFO list.  My Guy won't be needing this quilt for a few months. But it will be ready to go when late fall gets here.  

Linking up with the Monday Design WallPatchwork & Quilts. and Oh Scrap.  


Bonnie said...

Great finish. I love the whole thing. And, of course that back is just perfect! We have bluebirds that visit my feeder that I can see from my spot behind the sewing machine. I'm always lifted when I see the sun create a beautiful glow on the birds. The blue looks more tropical at that time. Of course there is a lot of carrying on at the feeder. We also have yellow finches and a bunch of unknown little birds. (I should look them up in my guide but, nah, it isn't happening.) But they all entertain me while they carry on.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I can see why your daughter wants it but I think it's your Guy's turn. Happy stitching!

Linda said...

That is a beautiful finish - the birds are stunning. I like the "pop" of the backing. I forgot how big you said it was. Your Guy should be quite pleased.

Meloney said...

I love this quilt. The blue birds are perfect.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your SAHRR is very beautiful, and I love the story about the blue birds. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing this pretty finish!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your birds turned out great

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's such a gorgeous quilt, Kate! I've enjoyed following along as you worked on each step. It's definitely perfect for your guy, and I know he'll love it. Congratulations on your finish!

Julie in GA said...

Your Blue Birds SAHRR quilt is absolutely gorgeous! It's especially appropriate for your guy with his interest in photographing them. I love the backing fabric too. Congratulations on a fantastic finish!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh that is SO beautiful!! it will make an awesome snuggle quilt - and oh so pretty. Glad Grad Girl likes it to... but paws off ha hahaha!! your Guy needs some love ;-)

Sara said...

Fabulous!! I love everything about this quilt, including that lovely backing. What a wonderful finish!

Quilting Gail said...

It's fantastic!!! And I LOVE your label!!! Perfect!
Congratulations on finishing a wonderful quilt!


I am next in line if Grad girl and hubby decide they really 'don't" like it!!!
It really is a pretty quilt--good work--and a beautiful finish for you!
Keep cool-hugs, diane

Pam said...

Just gorgeous!! Have you done a blog post on how you make your labels. They are exquisite!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Congratulations on this beautiful finish, and I am sure it's going to be well loved and used by your guy! I can see why Grad Girl threatens to take it, so I'm excited that your next planned finish is for her. :)

Nann said...

Wonderful!! Definitely blue birds of happiness (and satisfaction).

Sharon said...

Wonderful finish! I love the colors that you've used. The SAHRR always sounds like fun, so I may give it a go in 2025.

Barbara said...

That turned out so pretty. I love the label, and the backing fabric is perfec.

Katie Z. said...

Yay for a beautiful finish!

Denise :) said...

This is really beautiful! Congrats on the sweet finish!! :)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

This is such a beautiful quilt, Kate.It has been a joy to watch you work on this quilt. It is so wonderful that your family appreciates all of the hard work that you have put into your quilts. Blessings.

MissPat said...

The Bluebird quilt is well worth all the extra time and effort you put into it. It's just gorgeous and the backing so appropriate. It's no wonder your family is fighting over it, although I think it's Your Guy's turn, especially since Grad Girl stole his last one.

Jennifer in Indy said...

What a fantastic quilt - you did such a great job with your design choices and the colors are so bright and cheery - congrats on finish #2!