Saturday, July 27, 2024

Week 117 Photo Challenge Water Droplets

Everyone was on the ball and had sent me their photos by last night.  This week's challenge was interesting and easy to find subject matter for. 

I got lucky on one of my early morning photography walks and found this. 

Kate: Dew Drops

Indian Blanket is one of the few wild flowers that's still blooming. It's been a hot summer. Even the Black Eyed Susans are starting to crisp and fade. 

My Guy took advantage of the dew from a completely different vantage point. 

My Guy: Filtered

This was the view from one of the side windows on the Jeep one morning when My Guy was heading to work.  When we lived in South Texas we put squeegees in each of the cars.  The dew was so heavy most spring and summer mornings that you had to clean the side windows to see to drive. It happens here too, just not as frequently as it did when we lived there.  The dew drops do paint a nice fuzzy view of the morning.  

Grad Girl found a really cool image while she was working. 

I'm not sure the big drop is actually water, or at least not all water.  I suspect there are some salts present that give it that patterned look. This flask is the solvent trap off the rotary evaporator.  The evaporator uses heat and vacuum to remove the more volatile solvents used in the reaction.  A trap is used to "trap" any condensed liquid before it gets pulled into the vacuum pump. Liquid in a vacuum pump is a bad, bad thing. Such a mundane piece of lab equipment, but a really cool photo.  

This week's challenge is going to be interesting (meaning it's one of those interpretive subjects). 

My Guy laughed when he pulled this card out of the pack. I'm going to need to think about this one.  It should be interesting to see what we all come up with.  


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your photo of the flower with dew on it is lovely! It's so dry here that we don't get a lot of that condensation on the windows like you're describing, but we have been places where it's like that. Grad Girl's droplet from the evaporator is fascinating - very pretty seen close up! It will be fun to see what you all come up with for next week's topic!

Sara said...

I love your photo challenges. So interesting. The water droplets offered very diverse options.


Another really good week for all 3 of you--my favorite is the flower, of course--I love flowers and with rain drops on them they are neat!!
And --yep--next week will be a challenge and I can't wait to see what you 3 come up with--(Grad girl will have an advantage--kitty!!!)
hugs, di

Donna said...

Everyone had great photos this week. Looking forward to getting a laugh out of the next photo post.

Barbara said...

Well, I always enjoy your photography posts, and I love those Indian Blanket flowers. We saw them when we were in Texas. So pretty. Looking forward to seeing what y’all come up with next.

Linda said...

The Indian Blanket photo is beautiful. Looking forward to "funny".

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kate, those are so cool! :-)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Wonderful photos, Kate. The flower with dew drops is so lovely. Perfect for the summer season. Hmm "Funny" another great topic. I can not wait to see what y'all come up with.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Amazing photos - I LOVE yours!!! Great job!

Jennifer said...

Love your picture of the flower, so pretty! I miss the wildflowers from that part of the country.