Saturday, July 20, 2024

Week 116 Photo Challenge: Clouds

We all had our acts together this week and managed to get photos for the challenge:

Of course this would be the week with several cloudless days.  I was panicking by Wednesday.  Sunrise and sunset give the most dramatic view of clouds, so though I couldn't see any, I wandered out with my camera at sunrise on Wednesday and found a few high clouds.

Kate: Morning Clouds

I tried later in the week and the clouds just seemed to disappear at sunset and didn't return till mid morning. So this was my best effort for this week. 

My Guy was out and about more then I was, plus he started earlier.  He found his best shot in the afternoon. 

My Guy: Silver Lining

This strikes me as one of those photos one would use to create a meme with scripture or an inspirational quote over the photo.  What do you think?  

Grad Girl found her cloud elsewhere. 

Grad Girl: Water Vapor?  

"No, I don't know what happened" was the text that accompanied the photo. There is no scarier or frustrating phrase in research chemistry. 

The last two challenges were things you find in the sky.  It might not be as obvious that there is a link between last week's challenge and this week's. 

We just need to change the physical state of water for this week's challenge.  The text from Grad Girl after I sent her the new subject, "Oooo, I have ideas".  I bet My Guy does too. There should be some interesting photos this week.  


Linda said...

Oh I really like your photo! Frame-worthy.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You got a great photo of the sunrise with the backlit tree - beautiful! I agree with you about your guy's photo - it could be a greeting card. Looks like Grad Girl's photo could work for next week's challenge, too!

Barbara said...

Fun photos...tough subject. I got a chuckle out of Grad Girl's photo. Looking forward to seeing what y'all come up with next time.

Anonymous said...

Your clouds are beautiful
Your Guy's clouds remind me of being a kid and seeing things in clouds while laying in he grass looking up
And Grad Girl's never cease to amaze me. (youngsters always see things differently)
Dorothy in W. WA.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Another great set of photos, Kate. I look forward to seeing next week's photos- lots of possibilities with this theme. Hugs.

Jennifer said...

Great cloud pictures!