Tuesday, July 30, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 07/30/2024

Summer is well and truly back. We've had heat advisories pretty much every day since late last week.  It is almost August. The first two weeks of that month are typically our hottest.  Which isn't fun to contemplate considering how hot early July was.  

Since there wasn't much to do but hide in my sewing room, there was lots of stitching time last week, which made pretty quick work of last week's to do list. 

To Do list for 7/23/2024

1.  Rhododendron: Prep back for quilting ✔

2.  Kate's Choice: Continue making blocks 

3.  Wild and Goosey: Continue making teal blocks 

4.  Indigo Way: Continue quilt assembly as leaders and enders 

Definitely a good week. But it was as pretty short list.  This week's list is longer as I'm at a transition point for some projects. So some will fall off the list this week as I add others on. 

To Do List for 7/30/2024

1.  Rhododendron Mystery (Bonnie Hunter): Prep quilt top for quilting

The backing was pressed and de-threaded last weekend. I don't remember there being any fabrics in that project that unraveled badly. Hopefully it will be a quick clean up.  

2.  Kate's Choice: Make last two blocks

Just two blocks left and then it will be time to focus on developing my quilting skills a bit so I can attempt to finish this project as a quilt as you go.  

3.  Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Make blocks for pieced border

After working out the borders in EQ, I need to make some blocks for cornerstones and 8 more triangle in a square blocks.  Shouldn't take me too long to finish those.

4. 2024 SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Make label, binding, trim quilt


Trudy did her usual quilting magic.  I'm looking forward to finishing this quilt off. I've drafted a label, time to finalize that and decide on the binding.  

5. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Finish teal blocks, start orange blocks. 

I had to pull out my scrap bins and cut a few more teal triangles to have enough triangles for another 2 or 3 blocks before I switch over to making the orange blocks.  

6.  Diatom (Quilting Jetgirl): Determine layout, start assembly. 

All the blocks were finished exactly a year ago today.  Yvonne's layout had no sashing and no borders.  I'm going to play around a bit with different layouts to see if I like either of those options. I probably won't get as far as to start assembly this week, but as several other quilts will drop off the working list soon, it seemed wise to start prepping this one to take one of those slots.    

7. Simply Sensational Summer (SSS) Mystery (Kevin the Quilter): 

Since Indigo Way has advanced to needing borders, a new leaders and enders project was needed.  This project was started back in 2019.  It needs almost 200 blue 4 patches and almost as many yellow 4 patches.  My 2.5" strip storage bin was really full. I use a lot of blue, so pulling those strips to use for this quilt really helped create space in at least one bin.  This project isn't on my 2024 quilt plan, but I really needed to do something with all those scraps I've been processing.  Rather than start something new, it seemed prudent to pull out a UFO. 

That's my list for this week. I'll be happy if half the items get checked off.  Normally everyone links up with the Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday, but Carol lives in Canada near where the wildfires are burning.  So there may not be a place to link this week as she's got far more important things to worry about. Update (Carol was able to post a link up, things are still looking pretty dire though) If you have a spot in your prayer list I hope you'll add her and all in that region.  


Linda said...

Thanks for the tip about Carol, scary times. I just checked out Kevin's page and read that he learned to sew from his aunt. Makes me really want to keep encouraging my youngest grandson who has a keen interest in my sewing room! Are you doing 800 squares on his scrap mystery? Can't wait to see your SAHRR finish.

Sara said...

Wow - your Indigo Way border is great. I'm still trying to decide how I want mine to look so it is back in its project box - waiting for inspiration. I really miss Kevin the Quilter's blog.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a fun list!!
I am sorry for Carol - we ( in colorado) had their smoke last week - I can not imagine how bad the fires must be for us to get the smoke.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I do hope Carol is doing ok, I saw her post the other day that she might not be on for Tuesdays link up and that the fires were close.
The heat advisories are awful this week

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'll definitely be thinking of Carol and everyone affected by the wildfires. I hope you stay cool and have a great week!

dq said...

How exciting to have projects "fall off" the list. You are getting tons done!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You have so many fun projects in the works, Kate. I love the how the border is looking for Indigo Way and I am so intrigued by Simply Sensational Summer- love the colors. Those yellow are amazing!!!! Enjoy your week. Hugs.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Super hot here, too, and now the wildfires have started up. At least sewing is a pleasant indoor activity! I'm looking forward to seeing your 2024 SAHRR finish. That backing fabric is perfect for it!

Barbara said...

They’re fabulous, Kate. Indigo Way and Diatom…pure eye candy.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Your Indigo Way is stunning and I like your border choice.

Carol Andrews said...

Hi Kate. Thank you for sharing the update for ToDo Tuesday. I’m just now managing to visit everyone and get this week’s linky and my post written. I do like your indigo way and Diatom is going to be a stunning finish. 🤗 Carol