Saturday, July 13, 2024

Week 115 Photo Challenge: Sunrise/Sunset

I had hoped to post last week, but we were in Texas.  I forgot to pack the challenge card deck.  Grad Girl struggled to get a photo, she was really busy and grad school schedules are more sleep in a bit, but work late. Which can make it hard to capture a photo for the last challenge. 

My challenge photo is a pretty classic sunrise. 

Kate: Silhouetted Sunrise

We had rain rolling in that morning. I like how the trees are silhouetted.  The dark bands on top and bottom really showcase the oranges and yellows.  We have some wonderful sunrises and sunsets here, especially when there are storms rolling in or out.  

My Guy was lucky enough to find another phenomenon to photograph at sunset. 

My Guy: Beryl Bow

On the drive back from Texas, we encountered some of the early rain bands from Hurricane Beryl.  My Guy was lucky enough to capture this rainbow while we were driving back.  It was amazingly long lived. I could see it in the rearview mirror and side mirrors for about 30 minutes.  

Grad Girl had a completely different perspective. 

Grad Girl: Grad Student Sunrise

Sunrise to Grad Girl is when the sun shows itself in the apartment. Their patio window faces east, so this is sunrise and not sunset.   She really doesn't sleep that late, she's usually up by 7:30 AM.  You can just make out the silhouette of Queenie's head at the bottom of the photo. 

Very different perspectives and photos for the last challenge.  The next photo challenge card covers a readily available subject.  

Joni Mitchell once noted that "I really don't know clouds at all".  It would be fun if our photos can demonstrate that. We'll see.  


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You each captured a different combination of colors in your photo - all very striking! I love watching sunrises and sunsets, and catching a rainbow, too. Fun challenge this week!

Sara said...

Beautiful sunrise and sunset photos! My view of sunrise is pretty much like Grad Girl's - just a bit of light coming through the east windows.


Oh my all 3 of you did it again--great photos and each one a little bit different--thanks for sharing--
hugs, diane

Donna said...

Love the sunrise photo! Our sunrises are usually pastel, but we sometimes get the oranges at sunset.

Barbara said...

Your photo is especially beautiful. I like the Beryl Bow too. Grad girl…such a busy life. That’s a great photo depicting it.

Linda said...

All 3 are lovely. Clouds - I've been "into" those since I was 10!