Thursday, May 2, 2024

April 2024 PHD Report

Hard to process that April is over.  Between our travels for the eclipse early in the month and then knee surgery mid month, my sewing room time was down considerably.  Even so, now that it's May it's time to put together a progress report and link up P Designs USA for the April PHD report.  

There's been no change in my PHD spreadsheet.  No finishes, but no new starts either.  So I'll take that.  Even though there were no finishes, there has been a bit of progress on a few projects.  

Most of my stitching time in April was spent on this embroidered panel. I'm planning to use this as the center of a medallion quilt once it's finished. I've been working on this since 2012, so it may be a while before I get it to that point.  We have travel later this month, so it will probably see a bit more progress in May. 

Only one purple block was finished for Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter).  That's still progress.  I'll be sticking with purple and red blocks for May rather than pink which isn't in my color palette for this project. 


The biggest progress was on Rhododendron (Bonnie Hunter).  The final border was added and that project is now a finished quilt top.  It's hanging in the closet with the other finished tops waiting for it's turn for a backing and quilting. 

April was much less productive than March, but there was at least was some movement on my progress tracker with Rhododendron moving to finished quilt top. 


Year to date there has been one finish, four projects are quilt tops, and one project has all the blocks completed. With 2/3 of the year left, there is still time for a lot more progress.  


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

With everything you had going in April, I think it's great you were able to make some movement on your progress tracker.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

April did seem to fly by - travel and things like knee surgery (and we had to move my mom) will do that! I love seeing your butterflies emerging into a colorful design, stitch by stitch. Rhododendron Trail looks wonderful with that final purple border!

Babette said...

My April also had me out of the sewing room more than I anticipated. It was a good reminder to keep priorities in order. Glad you were still able to get some time in making some progress.

dq said...

The before and after shots are a great idea! The purple and yellow one came alive once that outer border of purple was on. What a difference just one border can make for a quilt.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You had a busy month, Kate though I know you would have liked to have spent more time in the quilt studio. I love seeing your progress photos. So many pretty projects in the works.

Sharon said...

Thanks for linking up with PHD in 2024. It seems like April was a busy month for many of us. I enjoyed seeing your projects.