Monday, May 27, 2024

The Design Wall and the Cutting Table

Wishing those in the United States a very happy Memorial Day.  We didn't make any special plans for the weekend, which is probably for the best as the weather here and in the surrounding states hasn't resulted in the best holiday for many. The worst storms in Oklahoma stayed south of us, all we got was some very heavy rain.  But we were tuned into the local weather coverage for quite a while Saturday night, way past our normal bedtime.  

There's been a bit of progress on the Kate's (Grandmother's) Choice blocks.

Three blocks have been added to the design wall.  Plus the next three blocks have been selected.  

The plan is to paper piece those as I'm limited on some of the fabrics, so I'm trying to get the blocks in one go.  

Most of my weekend was spent at the cutting table rather than the sewing machine.


The 2023 SAHRR is 75% pressed and de-threaded.  Normally If I use a non-white background I'm not too worried about the de-threading, but the gray background unraveled badly and there were several areas of just knots on the back which would make quilting more difficult. 


You can see from what's been removed that gray loose threads are the biggest issue.  I did discover that it's much harder to stand for long periods of time after my knee surgery.  I've had to tackle the clean up in hour intervals with a bit of sit down in between.  I'm hoping to finish the prep later today.  

Linking up with the Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts at Quilts linky parties. (Not sure what's going on with Blogger, adding links is being very non-cooperative this morning).  


Sara said...

I hate it when I get a fabric that gets all shredded like your background. Your Kate's Choice blocks are looking so good together.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad you weren't in the storm areas!

Nann said...

I wonder how much dethreading goes into the photo preparation for quilt publications. The sampler blocks are an interesting collection. I'll tune in for progress! Hope you can rest your knee this week.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I hope you will have enough fabric to make these blocks, so far your design wall looks beautiful! De-threading is not my favorite step, but yours was worth doing. I also had the same issues with Blogger, links and resizing photos are not easy...
Thank you for sharing!


Your blocks are looking great--
and what a huge pile of threads--ouch!!!
I seen where one quilter puts the extra wide (packing tape) tape around here wrist when she does this and doesn't have a big clean up after wards!!!??
hugs, di

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm glad the worst of the storms have continued to miss you. Removing threads from the back of a quilt can take a lot of time; I'm glad you are listening to your body. Hopefully it will be done and ready for quilting soon!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your Kate's Choice blocks are looking fabulous. I look forward to seeing he new additions. Sounds like you had a busy weekend; dethreading is a task isn't it ? Once you think you have all of the threads clipped another thread appears. Have a great week, Kate. Hugs.

Chrisknits said...

I need to be better about rethreading, I usually end up doing very little, but so far I've not had real glaring threads show up in the background. The recent quilt on the frame was loaded with the top on the bar, so I can catch them as I unroll it, usually I float the top and never see it's back. Kudos to you for being diligent, take care of that knee recovery!!

Barbara said...

So glad the worst of the storms passed you by. We watched the weather on the news tonight and heard that a tornado hit one of the towns in Kentucky where we stayed. Glad we weren’t there for that.

Linda said...

Seems like we have to stay tuned in to weather reports constantly lately! I do my posts in "compose" on Blogger, and I can add links but not the same way it used to - seems like they are always changing something. Blogger is a necessary evil. ;)

dq said...

You are moving right along with Kate's Choice Blocks!
So good to hear that you were safe from the Oklahoma storms.

dq said...

Wow, your pile of thread really puts into perspective the clean up job. I feel like fabric seems to have more loose threads than it used to.