Tuesday, May 7, 2024

To Do Tuesday for the Week of 5/7/2024

I wasn't sure I'd be posting today.  We spent about 30 minutes in our storm shelter last night.  We live in the part of Oklahoma that took direct hits from a tornado last night. From the damage reports we've seen, we are no more than a couple of miles off the track it took through our community.  So we were very lucky. We have friends and co-workers that live in Barnsdall, the community that's been the hardest hit. Please keep those residents in your thoughts and prayers. So many will have to completely rebuild.   

A rather somber start to the to do list this week.  Last week's to do list was pretty simple. 

To Do List for 04/30/2024

1. 2023 SAHRR: Press backing fabric and cut panels ✔ 

2. Guild BOM: Assemble April block, but may block - progress

3. Wild and Goosey: Make red and purple blocks 

4. Indigo Way: Continue as leaders and enders 

Definitely a good week on the progress front. I'll take three out of four, with progress on the 4th.  So what goes on the this list for this week?  

To Do List for 05/07/2024

1. 2023 SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Prep backing for quilting

I finished assembling the backing yesterday.  The width required a spacer in the middle of the two fabric lengths.  My Guy really likes this fabric and it goes so nicely with the birds and colors on the front.  Prepping the backing usually goes pretty quickly, it mainly just needs a good pressing.  It's the quilt top that takes forever.  

2. Guild BOM: Assemble May block

I finished the April block and started cutting the pieces for the May block.  I'm not in love with my color choices for this one.  I'm hoping it all works out as we finish more blocks.  

3.  Grandmother's Choice (Barbara Brackman) :  Find blocks, fabrics, decide on next block.

These blocks were started back  in 2012 when Barbara started the weekly block suggestions.  I gave up once we got to the templates and curved piecing. I'm going to look thru all the blocks Barbara posted and see if there are any I'm willing to tackle. The plan is to finish this as a "quilt as you go" project.  I really want to learn to quilt on my domestic machine and this seemed to be a good way to start the learning process.   

4.  Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Make more purple blocks

I decided to just stick with purple blocks for the rest of the month.  I have a lot more red than I do purple and I need more purple then red.  

5.  Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter) Continue as leaders and enders

Progress is slow but steady.  I have to make up several component parts for the full and partial block B's needed to finish up the quilt.  

Not a super ambitious week, but we've got family plans for Mother's Day, so I'm not counting on a lot of stitching time over the weekend.  Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt: For the Love of Fabric for To Do Tuesday


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So glad to see your post this morning, as I was just reading the news about the tornados. Glad that you and your guy are okay, and your house, too. Looks like you've made some good progress on your list this week. I'm hoping to learn a quilt as you go method this year, too. Melva has it in her QAL instructions for this week.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I thought the storm was in your general area so glad you made it through ok. I was wondering about you this morning and hoped you would post. Glad you have a storm shelter!

Sara said...

I'm usually happy if I manage to meet even one of my weekly goals, so 3 out of 4 is awesome. That backing fabric really is pretty, and having a spacer works fine. I have one coming up that will need to be enlarged with a spacer too.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm so glad you are okay and I will definitely keep your friends and community in my thoughts in the coming days. I think working on Grandmother's Choice as a QAYG project is a great idea!

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

So glad to hear the tornadoes missed you and you're all okay. Good luck with your to-do list this week.

Terri in BC said...

Take care over the next few days, as this storm track moves through. Glad you have a storm shelter.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

We were under a very serious threat up here but all we got was a short downpour/storm. Heard about Barnsdall and had to check in with my APQS lady (Brenda) down there. Waiting to hear if she's okay. Prob helping others! Glad it missed you. 'Tis the season for us in Tornado Alley!

Julie in GA said...

I'm very glad to hear that the tornadoes missed you (also that you have a storm shelter.) I hope the weather settles down and you can get in plenty of stitching time.

Linda said...

So thankful that you are OK! Glad you had time to get in that shelter. I was afraid you had no power either My heart goes out to those folks in Barnsdall.

Vivian said...

Thankfully the storm bypassed you, I've seen some real damage on the news. Slow and steady is always the name of the quilting game --- especially for Bonnie Hunter projects. Or maybe that's just me, LOL!!

Barbara said...

I really like your guild blocks. I wondered about that Barbara Brackman project. It didn’t look familiar. I kind of remember an online sew-along from back then.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Every time I hear that are storms in your area, I think of you, Kate. I am so glad to hear that you are safe.I will keep the residents of Barnsdall in my prayers. Have a great week on tackling your list. Hugs.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

So glad you are safe - that had to be scary - and then to be in your shelter too - Oh boy! Your lists look great - lovely quilts!

Carol Andrews said...

Kate I'm glad to hear you weren't hurt in the tornado, but saddened by the damage to so much property. All of your projects are beautiful and it's good to see your progress. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. I've missed visiting you all.