Monday, May 20, 2024

The Second Oldest UFO

Storms rolled through overnight.  There was some impressive, rattle the windows thunder along with them. The storm didn't keep us up all night, but it wasn't the most restful night of sleep I've had.  

The knee is doing so much better. But I may have pushed my luck yesterday. I spent several hours yesterday morning on sewing room organization, then pressed and de-threaded the backing for the 2023 SAHRR, so I was on my feet a lot. My knee was very thankful when I settled down at the sewing machine in the late afternoon.  The main project was to sew up the next few blocks for the Grandmother's Choice sampler (Barbara Brackman).  By dinner time there were three new blocks up on the wall, one more almost finished and plans for 2 more. 

This project probably needs a new name because I'm not making any more of Barbara's blocks.  I decided to pull blocks from this book.

 And yes this book also uses the templates that I struggle with.  So I'm redrafting the blocks in EQ so I can use rotary cutting and if necessary, paper piecing.  This is my second oldest UFO.  So I'd just like to finish it and get the fabrics out of the stash.  However that happens is fine with me. So maybe this should be renamed Kate's Choice?

Grad Girl was cleaning her apartment this weekend and sent me this picture. 

Grad Girl has started rotating the quilts she keeps on her bed and on the couch.  Queenie found the quilt that's been on the couch pretty much the whole time that Grad Girl has had her.  Apparently it's a favorite as Queenie has been taking her afternoon naps in the closet on top of it rather than her normal spot on the couch. So I apparently have a Queenie approved quilt, that's a nice feeling. 

Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.     


Chris said...

I like the name Kate's Choice. How simple and how original. That is hilarious about Queenie.

Nann said...

"Quilt with Cat" = title for a still-life painting. LOL. It is frustrating when a modern/contemporary quilt pattern book doesn't include current piecing techniques/templates. (That happens a lot in the Kaffe Fassett books. I've learned to analyze the quilt from the photos and figure out sizes and shapes rather than relying on their directions.)

Linda said...

Kate's Choice is a great name! That is so, so sweet about Queenie and the quilt. Last night I was late getting to bed watching radar, live stream video from storm chasers, and live coverage from OKC meteorologists on the tornadoes in central OK. Looks like we'll all be in for some more rainy weather this week.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I think Kate's Choice is the perfect name for your sampler quilt! Hooray for making progress on a long-time UFO. That is funny about Queenie and the quilt - I guess cats are not much different than humans. We all have our favorite quilts!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty blocks, and I like the new name ;)) The floral prints are beautiful.
Fun and sweet photo of Queenie!
Thank you for sharing, and take care of your knee!

Barbara said...

Well, I like Kate's Choice as the name for your quilt. Your fabrics are pretty, and the quilt will be pretty no matter how you finish it. Love the picture of Queenie. Looks like our place. They'll always choose a quilt if there's one handy.

Julie in GA said...

Kate's Choice is the perfect name for your interpretation of this sampler.
I also started out making Barbara Brackman's Grandmother's Choice blocks back in 2012. It took some searching through my blog, but I finally figured out that I made 12 blocks and ended up giving them away because I lost interest in making more.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Yes the perfect name for this project! I have that book too and sewed 10 of the blocks. They're around here somewhere! Applause to you for working on this pretty UFO. It will be so satisfying to get it done. Adorable cat...makes me want one.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh yes, Kate's Choice would be a great name. I look forward to seeing which blocks you add to this sampler. Grad Girl is so fortunate to have so many lovely quilts to enjoy and rotate out. It is wonderful that she admires and cherishes your work. Queenie is a sweetie!

MissPat said...

It's so interesting that Queenie is more attached to the quilt than to the location. Maybe she'll return to the couch eventually. Good luck finishing up that long-time UFO. I have a number of those I should work on.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

The photo of Queenie is precious - how sweet she loves her quilt!!!!

dq said...

I like the journey our quilts make with being named. I can't believe how quickly you are moving along while having to draft your own blocks. That really takes time.

Jennifer in Indy said...

Aww, love that picture of Queenie napping on her favorite quilt!