Tuesday, May 21, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 5/21/2024

I'm just about back to normal, at least on my activities.  Though I'm easing back into my work outs, especially the bicycle time.  There was lots of sewing room time last week, so there was good progress on last week's to do list.  

To Do List for 5/14/2024

1. 2023 SAHRR: Prep back for quilting ✔
2. Guild BOM: Finish May block - progress
3. Grandmother's Choice: Assemble star block, choose next block✔ 
4. Wild and Goosey: Make purple blocks ✔
5. Indigo Way: Continue as leaders and enders ✔

It definitely was a productive week.  This week should be good as well. Other than a Guild meeting tonight and my weekly coffee with friends, nothing else going on this week. 

To Do List for 5/21/2024

1. 2023 SAHRR: Prep quilt top for quilting

The backing is all pressed and de-threaded.  The backing is the easy part, the quilt top will require a lot more effort. 

2. Guild BOM: Finish May block

Still have the top and bottom of this round of borders to assemble and add. Then there is one more border of the green/blue fabric.  Should be easy enough to finish before the Guild meeting tonight. 

3. Grandmother's Choice: Continue making blocks

I may need to stop a bit and rethink my strategy. I was going for light and dark blocks, but I'm not liking how those are going together up n the design wall. I have the next round of blocks chosen, but haven't finalized the fabric selections yet. 

4. Wild and Goosey: Continue making purple blocks

I had to raid the scrap bin for a few more light and dark purples to keep up the variety in the scraps.  It's been working well to work on a couple of blocks at a time.  It won't get finished this year, but there's a good chance of having enough done this year that it can be finished up next year.  

5. Indigo Way: Continue as leaders and enders

Just 4 more partial B blocks are needed to finish up the setting triangles.  I've got all the subunits for the HSTs made, they just need to be stitched together. But then I have the square in a square and triangle in a square components to make.  It would be nice to have this one ready to assemble by the end of June.  

That's my list for this week.  Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.  


Sara said...

You really did get a lot accomplished! The bird print will be a gorgeous backing. I keep procrastinating on Indigo Way for some reason. I look forward to seeing yours.

Carolyn said...

Awesome progress! I am interested to see how the grandmother’s choice block turns out.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You have some great projects in the works, Kate. Love the bird and dragonfly fabric- it is so summery. I can not wait to see what you decide to do with Grandmother's Choice. Love the gorgeous floral fabric. Hugs.

Linda said...

LOVE the dragonfly fabric! Looking forward to seeing how you end up on the Grandmother's choice block. Glad you are getting back into your exercise routine.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Glad you're getting back to normal, Kate! It always feels better when you can finally spend time on your favorite activities. That bird fabric is so pretty! What a great backing for your SAHRR. Good luck with your list this week!

Carol Andrews said...

Kate it’s good to hear things are getting back to normal. You surely did have a fantastic week in the sewing room! Hope this week has gone as well and you continue to feel good. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday

dq said...

You really did have a great week, Kate!
If I needed bits from the purple bin, I would come up with almost nothing. For some reason I don't buy much purple. Wild and Goosey is so pretty from your scraps!

The birds on blue fabric - gorgeous! I presume it is the backing all ready to roll.