Sunday, May 26, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 21 of 2024


It's been an uneventful week. I was definitely ready for one of those. I'm back to my regular routine a month after knee surgery.  I'm very appreciative of that development.  I made some good headway on getting caught up on housework and some sewing room chores.  It was another good week on the stitching time front. 


  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/May = 25/25 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 =146/146 days
  • Success rate =  100%

My typical sewing time per day is at least an hour, usually it ends up being anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, depending on what else I have going on.  All that stitching time means it's been a good year on moving projects to at least the finished quilt top stage.  Prepping quilts for quilting is not one of my favorite things, so I tend to slow down on that step. So I'll need to push on that front to get projects moved to finished.  

I did more stash organization this week. The "in-progress" scrap bin is empty again. 

I'm going to try to keep this bin empty for the rest of the year. I'm sure once the beginning of the year projects start up, it will get full again. 

Now that small bin was empty, I resumed processing the scraps in big bag #1. Not a lot of progress, but every little bit helps.  

It's hard to tell, but the bag is maybe half full versus three quarters full when I stopped scrap processing in mid December of last year. 

The to be pressed bin is looking much more empty. 

All the orange fat quarters/half yards have been pressed.  So that side of the bin is empty, plus the black and the Halloween background fabric are also pressed, folded and put away.  Still a lot of fabric to press, but the bin is almost half empty.  That's good progress in just a few weeks.  

So have you been making progress on stitching projects or has sewing room decluttering taken over your spring stitching time?  

1. Frédérique
2. Gretchen
3. Julie in GA
4. maggie f
5. DonnaleeQ
6. Karen
7. Quilting Gail
8. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
9. Bonnie in Va
10. Amanda
11. Carol Andrews
12. Andrée at Quilting & Learning
13. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts

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Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Well done with your sewing week, and I'm glad you're recovering well from your operation. Bravo for the empty bins!

Gretchen Weaver said...

The lovely weather has taken over my sewing time, I'd rather be working outside than inside. Once the hot humid days of summer arrive, I'm sure I'll be glad to be back in the sewing room again.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's really great news that you're back to your normal life just a month out from surgery! Looks like you're having good success with the scrap processing, too. That's such an ongoing job! Have a wonderful Sunday, Kate!

Quilting Gail said...

I admire your stash organization!!! Way to go!!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Sunday, Kate. No decluttering has gone on in my quilt room. I just keep cutting up fabrics and adding to my scrap bins. Lol You are doing a wonderful job on the stitching front. It is so nice to hear that you get to enjoy an hour or more a day stitching. You go girl! Have an wonderful day and Happy Memorial Day. Hugs

Barbara said...

You’re very disciplined with your scraps. Mine are a terrible mess, but I’m not motivated to do anything different with them. My method is dump and paw. At least they’re sorted by color.

seabreezequilts said...

I went through a couple of fabric collections to get ready for the class last week, I found a couple of UFO's that need to be finished. My sewing room needs a big tidy up. I did tidy my yarn collection but I have fabric everywhere all over my sewing table something needs to happen soon if I want to keep up the sewing momentum.

Linda said...

Back to your normal routine in a month is impressive, and "uneventful" is always welcome around here. Enjoy your holiday!

Carol Andrews said...

It’s so wonderful to read about how well you are doing now Kate and to see how much progress you are making on tidying up and organizing. I’ve been doing both and hope to have a bunch of finishes to report soon. 😉. Hope you have another great week. Thanks for another fun linky. 😉

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kate, I'm glad that you've been able to work on your quilts and on your stash. Have a great week!

dq said...

I enjoyed reading about your bins and what you are organizing in them. My sewing room is getting to the stage where I really need to organize my scraps by color. I have never done that. The question is how? I like see through bins to know what is in them, but I am a "keep things clean and neat on the outside" person. I have fabric bins filled to the brim. Perhaps I can find see through organizers to place inside my bins. If I pull one out I could quickly see that is inside while keeping everything neat on the outside. Decisions, decisions.