Sunday, May 12, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 19 of 2024

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and that your kiddos remembered the occasion.  Grad Girl took a few days off to come home for a long weekend.  It's just not for Mother's Day, her long time best bud graduated from Vet school on Friday and she wanted to be there to celebrate with her. She'll have to head back to school tomorrow.   

It's been a good week on the stitching front. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/May =  11/11 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 132/132 days
  • Success rate = 100%
So far so good on the 100% metric.  I'm curious to see how long I can keep that streak going this year.  It's been a fun and new challenge for this year.  

Not so much with fabric organization this week, but there was still a bit of progress on the scrap bin. 

It's about a third full now. Not so much progress on the to be pressed tote. 

At lest the tote is no longer overflowing.  Still a lot of pressing to do.  Tackling it just a bit at a time is doable.  Fingers crossed there's more progress next week. 

That's it for my stitching stuff this week.  Did you have much luck getting in some good stitching time last week? 

1. Deb in Canada
2. Julie in GA
3. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
4. Gretchen
5. Quilting Gail
6. DonnaleeQ
7. Bonnie in Va
8. Frédérique
9. Andrée

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Deb said...

Slow and steady!! We always seem to overpromise ourselves. We are doing great!
Have a good week!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I had one of those weeks where I couldn't spend much time at the sewing machine - hope next week is better. Happy Mother's Day, Kate - enjoy your Girl!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Mother's Day, Kate. I am so glad Grad Girl was able to come home for a visit. Woo Hoo on the 100%! You go girl! I had a great week at the sewing machine as well. Have a wonderful afternoon and Happy quilting. Hugs.

T Holzer said...

I loved seeing your day, month and year sewing goals. I have the same 15 min goal, but you're doing much better that I am! Maybe I'll catch your momentum?!?

Barbara said...

Happy Mother’s Day. Nice that your daughter could make it home.

Bonnie said...

How great to get a visit with Grad Girl. Love the azalea (?) picture you used. Keeping chipping away at the big projects -- maybe iron one piece of fabric a day. Doing the whole bin at one time doesn't sound like fun!

Linda said...

So glad your girl was with you Mother's Day!

Nann said...

How nice to have GG come for a visit. Your scrap box looks a lot like Sara's Big Gray Tote. Hope you have success emptying it as she did.