Saturday, August 19, 2023

Week 83 Photo Challenge: Lazy

This week's photo card was a challenge.  

What's the difference between being relaxed/relaxing and being lazy?  The definition of lazy is unwilling to work or use energy.  But we often talk about having a lazy day where the intent is actually to relax.  You can decide if our photos really display lazy.  

I tried several approaches for this week, none of them really resonated with me.  I decided on this one.  

Kate: Lazy Afternoon


An iced latte and a new book are a treat.  The lazy part was spending an hour at Barnes and Nobel hanging out and reading.  Not something we do much of anymore.  Before kids (many years ago), it was our favorite lazy Saturday activity.  

My Guy had the same struggle that I did with deciding the difference between lazy and relaxation. 

My Guy: Easy Like Sunday Morning

I agree scones and coffee are really nice on a Sunday morning, but he made the scones.  But thinking back it was one of his more lazy Sunday's. It rained that morning, which meant no bike ride or birding expedition.  So compared to his normal routine, this was a lazy Sunday morning.  

Grad Girl's photo may be the best interpretation this week. 

Grad Girl: Tomorrow's Dishes

Being a chemist requires a lot of clean up. I'm pretty sure this was after she'd spent most of Friday afternoon running reactions and was just ready to get out of there for the weekend. 

Next week's challenge is another one that is open to interpretation.  

I'm going to need to think about this one for a day or two.   


Linda said...

I snickered at each interpretation - very clever all of you! I would have been glad to volunteer to send you a photo of me - that would sum up lazy in a selfie - lol!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a good question - the difference between being lazy and relaxing! When you're retired, I think it's harder to tell. Your book looks interesting! Pair it with a Starbuck's treat, and that sounds really good to me. I like your guy's Sunday morning idea, too. If I were Grad Girl, I would also want to put off doing those dishes - all those narrow necks to get inside of. I hope she has a dishwasher in the lab!

Sara said...

I really like grad girl's interpretation of lazy. That is me in my sewing room - too lazy most week's to clean up the clutter. LOL

bcarlf said...

That was definitely a hard one, more on the relaxing side, I think. But I really connect with Grad Girl's because I used to work in a lab all my career. I am 83, so we definitely did not have a dishwasher - other than me and a few medical students once in while. The odd thing was, unless I had really let the dirty things accumulate too much, I really enjoyed the process of washing with the brushes and making sure to rinse enough times to be sure all the soap was gone. Long ago days for me now but I really do miss working in that lab!

MissPat said...

My first thoughts ran in Grad Girl's direction. The kitchen counter crowded with unwashed dishes, or like Sara, the cutting table piled with scraps and fabrics pulled out for consideration. Always fun to see what you guys come up with.

Barbara said...

I love seeing your different interpretations of the theme. That looks like an interesting book.

Quilter Kathy said...

Love your photo challenges - so creative!

Jennifer in Indy said...

Haha, love grad girl’s - my kitchen looks like that at the moment