Thursday, August 3, 2023

July Wrap Up: PHD in 2023

 On the one hand, I'm really ready for some cooler weather and August gets us closer to that. On the other hand, August is the 8th month, so we'll be three quarters through the year at the end of it. That I'm not ready for.  I've been participating in Quilting Gail's PHD in 2023 program again this year.  There has been some good progress on my UFOs, but as yet there still aren't any finishes for 2023, so my chart is unchanged from June.  

On the positive side of things, at least there have been no new projects started in the last couple of months.  That will change with the start of Meadow Mist Design's Malted Mystery this month.  But other than that start, my plan for the rest of August is to get some projects moved to finished.  

Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter) is one of my older UFOs.  The plan for this year was to just finish one block a week following along with the colors for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  A few blue, green and red blocks were added to the design wall this month. 


Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter) continues to be my leaders and enders project.  Block 6 is almost assembled.  It's slow progress, but at least there is progress. 

All the Diatom blocks (Quilting Jetgirl) were finished this month.  Now to decide if I'm sticking with the suggested layout in the pattern, or if I'm going to do my own thing there. The link up for the Diatom Quilt parade closed the last day of July. There were some gorgeous color combinations in the parade including versions in all greens and all purples.  


My project for the Just Two Charm Pack Quilts blog hop made it to the finished flimsy stage just in time for me to take photos and create my post.  Cheryl's (Meadow Mist Designs) mysteries are some of my most favorite projects each year.  My choice of String Lights from her book was no different.  It was fun to make and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Even better I used some kit fabrics purchased in 2013 that I didn't know what to do with. 

Since  String Lights was finished before the end of the month, that opened up a space on my WIPs list to bring an older project back into rotation.  I'd started assembling the rows for the 2022 Meadow Mist Designs Mystery, Melodic Mystery, earlier in the year.  But then my startitis kicked in and it ended up getting kicked out of the line up in favor of some new projects.  I'm still short on getting the blocks sewn into rows, but there is more up on the design wall than before.  

At the end of July, I had four finished quilt tops. One those has the back pieced.  All that's left is to prep the quilt for quilting.  My plan for the rest of the year is to move at least those 4 to finished.  Wish me luck on that.  


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I think you had a lot of great progress in July. Have fun starting the new mystery quilt with Cheryl and working on finishing up the 4 quilts!

Sara said...

An excellent plan, and I'm confident that you'll meet your goal. I realized that there were several block sets all done so I've been focusing on trying to at least get them to the flimsy stage.

maggie fellow said...

your projects are wonderful and any progress is great progress - congrats - you can do it

Quilting Gail said...

You are making progress! Celebrate it!!!
Bonnie Hunter's quilts are always a HUGE endeavour! It took me 3 years to do one as a leader and ender! I'd say you're making good progress!

Thanks for linking to PHD in 2023!!!