Sunday, February 16, 2020

Week 7 of 2020: Just Stitching Stuff

It was bitterly cold much of the week.  It was really hard to get dressed and walk out to the car just to go to work.  Some weeks it would be so nice to be able to just stay home in the warm sewing room.  One of these days I'll retire and not have to head out in the cold for work. That's not happening anytime soon since the Scientist in Training is planning to go to grad school.  No matter I suppose, it was still a good week in the sewing room.   How did your stitchy week work out?  

I managed to find time every day to do something stitchy.  A few days it really was just 15 minutes, but those little intervals do add up over time.  

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/February = 14/15 days
15 minute days/2020 = 43/46 days
Success rate = 93.48%

I have a business trip next week and since I'll be checking a bag, my embroidery is going to tag along.  Not sure I'll have much time to work on it as I'm traveling with someone that I've not worked with before.  There are likely some long days next week, but I'll have it just in case there's a bit of down time in the evenings.  

How did your stitchy week work out?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Chrisknits
3. karen
4. Marti
5. Jocelyn Sharing
6. Meloney
7. Shasta @ High Road
8. DawnyK
9. Amanda
10. Loulee (Manxgirl)
11. Deana
12. Quilting Gail
13. Carol Andrews
14. Christina's Handicrafts

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Denise :) said...

Your stitching time is spot on--go you! I hope you do get some time to stitch in the evenings, at the very least! Do you work on the plane? Have a good week!! :)

chrisknits said...

I missed Friday, I could have gotten off my butt and done something, but I was just too weary! And I really didn't have much to be weary about, I guess there are just days like that.

Marti said...

Sorry about your cold week. It was cold here, but not too cold. You had a good week for stitching, I hope you are able to get some in on your trip.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Cold here too or otherwise known as February here in Ontario. :) Love your Frolic blocks, so vibrant!

Sandra Walker said...

We picked a good 10 days to be away in Florida from what I’m seeing and hearing about back home. You’re amazing at getting in stitching time such a high percentage of time!

Shelina said...

I hope you have a safe and successful trip!

DawnyK said...

Well done! It was a good week. Wishing you safe travels and some stitching time.

seabreezequilts said...

Brrr we are continuing a mild summer after the blistering weather in December, though most years it is hot well into March and April so it aint over yet. Got to say I love working from home my one day a week. I don't usually try when kids/husband are on holiday because I get too many distractions...No matter how many times you tell them you're working they come and have a chat, Mo isn't all that bad but Maestro will come and sit and talk.

loulee said...

It's surprising just how much can be achieved in 15 mins a day.
It's been very warm here with record temperatures. I hope that means the chillis in my green house will go red soon!!

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Have a good trip, I hope you get to do your 15 minutes, it will help you unwind after a busy day. I’m busy getting ready for a new kitchen next week so not sewing every day, I am productive though, and loving it.

Emily said...

I love taking stitching with me when I travel, it helps feel like a little bit of home. Hope it was/is a good trip.

Carol Andrews said...

Nice that you can get your stitching time in