Sunday, January 19, 2020

Week 3 of 2020: Stitching Stuff

It was a cold and wet week. Now it's sunny, but still cold and windy.  Winter has finally set in for a visit and I'm definitely feeling it's already over stayed it's welcome.  On the other hand the cold weather makes it easier to get in those 15 minutes of stitching each day because I certainly didn't want to be out and about doing much of anything else. 

So far January has been a good month on the stitchy front. 

15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
15 minute days/January = 18/18 days
15 minute days/2020 = 18/18 days
Success rate = 100% 

I'll be able to maintain the 100% success rate for another week, but then I have a business trip.  It's not likely I'll have time for stitching while I'm on the road, which is OK.  I'll have a day off when I'm back, so I'll make up the lost effort then.  

How successful were you at fitting in a bit of stitching time this week?  

1. Chrisknits
2. Julie in GA
3. karen
4. Marti
5. di
6. Meloney
7. Loulee (Manxgirl)
8. Amanda
9. Shasta @ High Road Quilter
10. Quilting Gail
11. DawnyK
12. Rachel
13. Deana
14. DesertSky Quilting
15. Christina's Handicrafts

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Denise :) said...

I was very successful! It was a good week for both of us! Will you travel by air or by auto? Too bad you can't take some handwork or something to work on in the evenings! Hope your week goes well!! :)

Marti said...

It's cold and windy here too. A few days ago it was so warm and humid that I turned on the a/c - just for a little while. Then we turned it off for a few days because the temperature was so nice. This morning, it was cold in the house when I got up, but I noticed Hubby had turned the unit on, so I left for church thinking it would be nice and warm when I got home. But when I got home, it seemed even colder in the house. Hubby hadn't changed it from a/c to heat and had turned the fan to on, so it was just blowing more, or the same, cold air around.

Stay warm today and enjoy your trip next week.

Cheryl said...

Great job getting so much sewing in! I have been away from my machine all week working on finishing up some workshop handouts :( I am hoping to be finished tonight and get back into my sewing room.

loulee said...

I had another good week for my 15 mins. Not so good on some of my projects though.
Here's to this week. Hope it's better.

seabreezequilts said...

There has been rain here last night and in the eastern states too. Its almost winter weather.

Shelina said...

A successful stitching week. We've had mostly rain although we did get a dusting of snow last night.

DawnyK said...

Great sewing in 2020. I too have a work trip pending, but mine depends on what other people accomplish this week. I hope to spend a good portion of time so I can finish the January BOM's. Happy week!

Jennifer said...

I did okay for the week and made up time on the weekend - glad to have a quiet and cold weekend to hunker down at home!