Tuesday, January 21, 2020

To Do Tuesday: #3 for 2020

Winter has set in, at least for this week.  It's miserably cold, but at least it was sunny yesterday.  Speaking of cold, My Guy apparently has one. He's been feeling crappy since the weekend, now we know why.  Not the best start to a new week especially since last week wasn't particularly good for the to do list.  

Weekly To Do List (01/14/2020)
1. Twinkle Stars: de-thread Twinkle Stars and backing - progress
2. Frolic - Finish clues 3 and 5, progress on other clues - progress
3. Winter Quilt Along - Measure quilt, find backing

Only one check mark, but there was good progress on the other two.  The backing for Twinkle Stars is cleaned up, pressed and packaged for shipping.  Bonnie released the reveal last Friday for Frolic. I didn't finish any more clues, but did finish three blocks from the bits and pieces I had finished.  

So what to put on the list for this week?  

Weekly To Do List (01/21/2020)
1.  Twinkle Stars - de-thread and press Twinkle Stars top
That's going to take a few hours, so I won't start that till next weekend.  The goal is to get it sent out for quilting before the end of the month, that's still doable. 

2.  Frolic

There are enough clues made to make 9 more blocks.  So I'll stitch those blocks together this week and then decide how many more I need to make for a complete quilt.  

3.  Wild and Goosey blocks

The plan is to make a few green blocks to go along with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for January.  These are slow going and aren't really amenable to chain piecing, so I'll take an evening or two and make what I can.  The point is to keep the project moving along.  

So that's my list this week.  Good luck with your own lists.  Linking up with Home Sewn by Us for weekly To Do List linky party.  


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh your frolic is going to be so great!!

Alison V. said...

I am so excited to see how your Frolic ends up! I think the black background is going to be very striking.

chrisknits said...

I am making 8 full blocks and will use them or cut it back to 5 blocks. I hate the borders, and don't have enough to make both of them, so I will just use the 3 different HSTs color pairs I have and do 1 HST border and finish with a solid or look for a print with the same colors. Good luck on your weekly goals! And hope hubby feels better soon.

Linda in Arkansas said...

You are doing great on the frolic - I'm impressed that you already have three blocks made. Lovely greens for the Goosey blocks.

piecefulwendy said...

Good goals for the week. So fun that Twinkle Stars is getting ready for quilting!

Marti said...

You are making good progress on the Frolic blocks. I'm following along, saving the instructions, but not making anything yet. I just counted my UFOs and I have 29 of them! I think I need to stay the course and finish them.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Dethreading quilt tops before quilting is such a big job! I'm always impressed with how thorough you are with that!

Kathryn T said...

Will be interesting to see your frolic quilt emerge. I have seen Bonnie's reveal and it certainly is amazing how it turned out. Kathryn Quilts

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Kate! You got Twinkle's backing all ready - yippee. That's a major accomplishment. I know you're putting off the clipping part - I do that, too. Frolic's reveal just happened so you couldn't possibly have been completely finished . . . just sayin'. I love your Goosey pieces for next week, and the name cracks me up as well. Thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne

loulee said...

You look all set to be very busy. I have to say, I'm looking forward to seeing Twinkle Stars quilted and bound.

Preeti said...

Your choice of fabrics for Frolic is eye-popping. It will make a gorgeous quilt. RSC is meant to be a slow back burner all year long kinda project, so enjoy the process :-)

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Going to be interesting how your colors come together!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a great list for the week!