Tuesday, January 28, 2020

To Do Tuesday #4 for 2020

I'm in New Orleans on a work assignment, but I should be headed home tomorrow.  Being on the road took a couple of days out of my normal sewing week, but I did manage to get in some good effort last weekend, so there was progress and a few check marks on last week's list. 

Weekly To Do List (01/21/2020)
Twinkle Stars:  Clean up the back of the quilt top, press - progress
Frolic: Make 9 blocks - progress
Wild and Goosey Blocks: Make green blocks for RSC

I have Friday off this week, which I'm hoping means another good afternoon of stitching time before the weekend.  So here's the list for this week. 

Weekly To Do List (01/28/2019)
1. Twinkle Stars: Finish clean up, press, package and mail
There are still rows and the bottom border left to clean up.  

That's all the threads that have snipped off so far.   

2.  Frolic: Make 9 blocks
This was the to do item that didn't have as much progress as I would have liked last week. Hopefully with Twinkle Stars out the door, I'll have more time to get these blocks made. 

3.  Wild and Goosey:  Make green and orange blocks

Angela noted last Saturday that orange was going to be the color for February.  So I'll finish off the green blocks and make a start on the orange blocks. 

4.  Winter Quilt Along: Piece backing 

The backing fabric is left overs from other quilt backs.  I need to work out a lay out using these two.  A striped backing maybe?  

Good luck with your to do lists.  Linking up with Home Sewn by Us for To Do Tuesday.  


Barbara said...

Oh boy, I’m excited to see Twinkle Stars finished off. You’re wise to clean up the back. I’m terrible about that, and I’m often using a tiny little pick to pick bits of thread out as I’m quilting along. It isn’t easy sometimes. Maybe I need to start a New Year’s Resolution for that or something...or maybe it’s too late to be making any resolutions for 2020.

The Joyful Quilter said...

How is it that you have SEW many threads to clip?!?! Nice job on getting a head start on February's Color of the Month.

loulee said...

Looking forward to seeing Twinkle stars completed.
Hope you make loads of progress on Friday.

Shelina said...

I've got a thread pile like that from making the yo-yos. I am glad you have time to plan your next quilty days even though you don't have time to do any stitching.

Preeti said...

Have a safe trip home and hope you find time to rest and get back in the sewing mode. I enjoy the challenge of making pieced backings. I just finished one today and I am very happy with it :-)

Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts said...

Cleaning up the back of quilts is a tedious job but it's always worth it. I hate finding a dark stray thread under the top after the quilting is finished. Good luck on meeting your goals this week!

Jennifer said...

Hope you’ve had a good week in New Orleans - I haven’t been there since before Katrina - I am sure it is very different than I remember, but hope the food is just as good! Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Kate! New Orleans?! That sounds like a fun place to work, if you have to travel somewhere. I'll bet you got a chance to see some sunshine?! That is a LOT of threads that you've snipped off, but now it is so much closer to being out the door. Those fabrics for backing are so pretty - that will be almost as beautiful as the front. Does that annoy you when people comment about the backing before they enjoy all the hard work??! It does me! Here's to a productive day today - enjoy your three-day weekend. And thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne