Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Best of 2017 at Life in Pieces

As the year winds to a close, Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs is hosting a linky party to highlight your five best posts of 2017.  

How you define "best" is up to you. My top five are below.  You can click on the blog title to see the full blog post.  

1.  Largest number of views (468): Christmas in March, which featured the completion of Poinsettias. 

By Judy Blok for the December 2013 issue
of American Patchwork and Quilting Magazine

This was my long term leaders and enders project.  It's not perfectly done, but it turned out perfectly for me.  This quilt was gifted to a co-worker as a retirement present.  

2.  Most comments (27):  But First Coffee from October

Scrappy Coffee Cups (aka But First Coffee)
Block patterns from Karen F. Srebro and Janet McCarroll
publised in Block Magic and Block Magic Too by
Nancy Johnson-Srebro

But First Coffee is my first every Rainbow Scrap quilt started in 2012.  It was recently gifted to My Guy for Christmas.  He loves it.  I had told him earlier that it was a gift for someone else in the family and he responded that it didn't need to go, it could stay and live with us.  Little did he know that was my intention.  

3.  Most Facebook likes (661):  Progress on Mystery Stuff:  En Provence 

 En Provence, A Bonnie Hunter Mystery (2016)

I reposted the finished En Provence on Facebook.  I don't do much on Facebook, so was really surprised at all the likes and comments on the post.  I really like my version of En Provence.  Hopefully it will be an early finish in 2018. 

4.  Most Pins on Pinterest (8) Finished My Geometry Assignment

Self Designed

Geometry was one of four graduation quilts commissioned by the Scientist in Training for friends and teachers.  Both of us were really happy with how it turned out. It was a big hit with the future math major who received it too.   

5.  My Favorite Post:  Finishing Blooms and Butterflies

Blooms and Butterflies
Back Porch Bloom block by Lea Anne Brummett,
setting by Kate
Blooms and Butterflies was a quilt for me.  I love the crisp white with the scrappy blue and reds.  It's been very nice to cuddle under this winter. 

That's my Best of 2017.  Linking up over at Meadow Mist Designs.  Now it's time for more hot tea while I check out the other Best of 2017 posts. 


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I can see why those quilts were your most looked at posts, Kate! They are definitely some of my favorites of yours this year. You reminded that I love your coffee quilt so much I want to make one, too! My hubby would also love it!

Ann Petersen said...

Love the coffee cups! They are all great quilts, congratulations.

Barbara said...

All wonderful choices. You've finished some beauties this year.

Kate said...

I love that your Geometry and the Because Science that it inspired are both in our top five!


I noticed that 4 out of those 5 are totally finished--all great choices and beautiful quilts--
enjoy the moments, di

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

These are all great posts of wonderful quilts but if I HAD to choose one it would have to be coffee cups, it just speaks to me, maybe it’s because I like coffee but I just think it’s so bright and cheerful, it makes me smile.

Louise said...

How fun to see all your bests and favorites! I hadn't seen all of these, so I'm happy you shared them now. I hope 2018 is equally fun and productive for you!

Tu-Na Quilts said...

I just had to tell you that of all the blogs I read, I am especially excited when I get an email with a new post from yours. Your family stories, hard work at quilting, and such interesting projects really are fun to read about. Thank you for taking the time to write about all of it. I can't wait until you show us the SITs quilt. Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with fabric, fun, and friends.

Cheryl said...

Great finishes, I can easily see how these are some of your (and your readers') favorites. Thanks for linking up and I hope you have a wonderful new year!

Sandra Walker said...

I like the categories you went by. And you know my favourite...En Provence of course! Beauties all.

Kathleen said...

How nice these all look in one post. I especially like the Geometry quilt.

Shelina said...

You've made a lot of beautiful quilts this year. Thanks for the look back. Happy New Year!

Jennifer said...

Lots of “bests” for you this year - it’s been fun following along!