Sunday, September 1, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 35 of 2024


We finally got a break in the heat this weekend.  Friday was still pretty sultry, but by evening you could feel a cooler breeze blowing. It was chilly enough Saturday for a sweater when we went out for breakfast.  It will heat up again, but I'm going to enjoy the chill for as long as we have it.  

The heat has been a really good reason to hang out in my sewing room. Makes it easier to keep up with my 15 minute stitching commitment. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 day
  • 15 minute days/Aug = 31/31 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 244/244 days
  • Success rate = 100%
It's been fun and definitely motivating to maintain the 100% success rate through August.  I'm curious to see how I fare on that front in September.  

My stash reorganization has stalled just a bit.  I've not done much on either the scrap processing or the fabric pressing fronts. So no photos on either effort this week.  

How did your stitchy week work out?  

1. Gretchen
2. Julie in GA
3. maggie f
4. Karen
5. DonnaleeQ
6. Deb in Canada
7. Quilting Gail
8. Bonnie in Va
9. Andrée at Quilting & Learning
10. Carol @ Quilt Schmilt

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Gretchen Weaver said...

Everyday stitching! That is wonderful, happy stitching in September!

Linda said...

Does your 15 minute commitment often turn into hours? I was distracted again this week - I bought a "new' 10yo Janome off Marketplace and hope to have a post up soon about it. I'm stoked about cooler weather!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I think you ended with a much nicer cooler week than we did - it wasn't close to a hundred here for a change but it was high 80's so still a might uncomfortable.

Sara said...

My sewing room clean-up and my closet clean-out have both stalled. But maybe I'll get going again as the weather turns colder.

Bonnie said...

Yea on keeping up with the stitching. I'm in awe. (And, may be a little jealous too!) That need to straighten up our areas but aren't as satisfying as actually sewing! But I did put a little bit of excess fabric away,

Andree G. Faubert said...

Congrats Kate - best of luck with your sewing this week!

Carol Andrews said...

Hope you manage to get some cooler weather soon. Our fall is starting to creep in. Still need the fall rains to put out the fires. Congrats on keeping your 100% Kate.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy September, Kate. I know you will rock this month with 100% on the stitching front. We have been camping , but I did take my butterfly quilt along with me and stitched every day. I made more progress than I expected. I wish you a great week. Hugs.