Tuesday, September 17, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 9/17/2024

Hard to believe we are already more than halfway through with September.  The end of the year always seems to pass so much quicker than the beginning of the year.  There is still so much left on my goals for this year, I guess that's why last week's to do list was so long. 

To Do List for 9/10/2024

1.  Diatom: Finish top prep, send out for quilting ✔

2.  Chilhowie: Add last border 

3.  Jewel Box Blocks: Finish blocks 

4.  Marble Mystery: Cut fabrics, start September clue 

5.  Rhododendron: Make label and binding 

6.  Wild and Goosey:  Continue making orange blocks 

7.  Sensational Summer Scrap Mystery: Leaders and enders 

It was a good week on the progress front.  Several projects hit milestones and will drop off the active list for a bit.  That opens up the in progress list a bit and I had to think what should go on the to do list to take up those spaces.

To Do List for 9/17/2024

1.  Rhododendron (Bonnie Hunter):  Trim quilt, start attaching binding.

The binding is made and the label is printed. I need to soak the label, then let it dry, but that won't take long. I'm changing the name of my version to Azaleas.  Azaleas are rhododendrons and I've seen purple ones, so that works for me.  I should be hand stitching the binding to the back before the end of the week. We have some family stuff this weekend, so I'm not sure that I'll finish all the hand stitching, but it should be close. 

2. Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Finish the flying geese.

Finishing the geese completes the September clue.  I'm happy with my fabric choices so far. We'll have to see if the October clue changes that.  

3. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making orange blocks

I'm almost finished with orange, I only need 2 more sets of 4 blocks.  My plan is to keep making the orange blocks until they are finished.  I'm betting that doesn't happen till sometime in October.  

4.  Simply Sensational Summery Mystery (Kevin the Quilter): Continue as leader and ender project. 

I finished a set of blue 4-patches this week and have switched back to my yellow scraps for the next set of 10.  

5.  Learn to Quilt: Read books, watch videos

One of my goals for this year was to learn to quilt by completing a quilt as you go project.  I've got the blocks done so now I need to figure out the quilting part. I'm going to do some reading and video watching, then start some practice sessions in October.  I've had these books for years, but hopefully not much has changed with the basics. 

That's the plan for this week. We have some family stuff this weekend, so I backed off on adding anything new to my in progress list. Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.


Sara said...

Your label is gorgeous! Isn't it satisfying to check off so many things from your list? Good job!

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Wow, you had a productive week! Good luck with your goals for this week. Have fun with your quilting practice.