Monday, September 23, 2024

A Bit of This and That

We had a family wedding to attend last weekend.  We hit the road Thursday afternoon, so there wasn't a lot of time in the sewing room last week.  I did get the binding made and attached to Rhododendron (Bonnie Hunter).  That was my only sewing time over the weekend. With all the activities, I didn't get very far, just one corner turned at this point. 

I should make better progress with this now that we are home. You can really see the quilting Trudy did in the dark purple part of the backing.  It's lovely.  

The wedding we attended was for My Guy's older sister.  She's been a widow for about seven years, so it was good to see that she's found someone so she's not alone anymore. The wedding was in Kansas City, KS.  Since My Guy has some vacation to burn, I asked to go up a day earlier than necessary so we could make a side trip. 

Hamilton, Mo was only about an hour from where we were staying.  So we made a day trip to the Missouri Star Quilt Company.  My Guy thought this was just a quilt shop, he was surprised to see a whole quilt town!  I wasn't really paying any attention to the company schedule, but we arrived during the Sweet 16 birthday celebration.  The town was pretty packed, but you could still shop.  You can see my haul above.  The Christmas and Batik fat quarter bundles are gifts, only the white on white fat quarters are mine.  Those will go into a scrap quilt I have on my to be made list.  My Guy did some of his own Christmas shopping for various family members.  Once he finished that, he begged off to the Tap Room so I could finish visiting all the shops. He'd had enough of all things quilty at that point.  

He texted me this photo about 15 minutes after he left me, with the message "You may have to drive".  He was almost done with the flight when I showed up.  He'd made friends with several other enabler husbands and was having a pretty good time on his own. Yes, I did drive back to where we were staying.  

It was a fun weekend with our extra excursion and seeing My Guy's twin sisters along with a few nephew's and nieces, plus one great nephew. It was fun to just hang out and catch up. Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.


Bonnie said...

You were really careful in your shopping. But, maybe you are better than I would have been on the shopping front. Sounds like both you and My Guy had a good time.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What fun to get to visit Missouri Star while heading up for the wedding! I love that your guy found something he enjoyed while you were shopping, too. Sounds like a great trip!