Monday, September 16, 2024

Changing Design Wall

This year has been really good on the progress front. Maybe not as many finishes as I would like, but there has been good progress on multiple fronts.  We are half way through September and I've made good enough progress that I need to rethink my active project list.  Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter) is a finished quilt top and is off the active list for now. 

The final teal border really calms down all that orange.  Chilhowie is off the design wall and hanging in the closet waiting for it's turn for a backing and quilting.  

The Jewel Box blocks for Cynthia at Quilting is More Fun than Housework made a very short appearance on the design wall. 

These are packaged up and will go to the post office sometime this week.  I used up a few 4.5 and 5 inch scraps from my bin, all of the black fabric and all of one of the white on white fabrics. So now I have a bit more room in the scrap bin and was able to take some odds and ends out of the fabric closet. Definitely a win/win. 

The latest project up on the design wall is Meadow Mist Designs' Marble Mystery.   

The 9 patch blocks are finished, I'm still working on the flying geese. So far, I'm happy with my fabric choices.  We'll see if that holds once we get the October clue.   

I'll need to figure out what projects to add back to the works in progress list. Those decisions will be in tomorrow's post.  Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 37 of 2024

It's been a busy week. I've started going to late night sew at the local quilt shop and that takes some prep time to get ready (it's like a mini retreat each week).  Plus, I had some statistics work to work up for the technical committee I joined back in June. Still, it wasn't too hard to get my stitching time in this week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Sept = 14/14 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 258/258 days
  • Success rate = 100%

I'm still at 100% success rate with my 15 minutes of stitching time each day.  No one is more surprised then I am to be almost to the end of 3rd quarter of the year and to have maintained that metric.  It's going to be hard when I miss my stitching time for a day.  

Absolutely nothing got done on the scrap processing front, well other then filling up the left overs bin. 

This is the bin I use for scraps from the finished projects and scraps from in progress projects.  This was empty at the first of the month. Now it's almost full again. The plan is to empty it by the end of the month.  

Not as much progress on the fabric pressing either over the last week. 

There were only 2 - 4 yard pieces that got pressed this week. I'm so much more interested in stitching then pressing these days.  But I'll take any progress, it all counts. 

Did you make good progress with your stitching goals this week? 


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Week 124 Photo Challenge: Kiss

This week's photo challenge was harder than last week's. Last week both My Guy and I were scratching our heads, this week's definitely had us racking our brains.  

To be honest, I completely forgot about getting a challenge photo till My Guy got home from work last night. He asked if I had a photo.  I'd been so focused on other things that I had completely forgotten.  So I scrounged around trying to find subject matter.  I found two "subjects".  One was too close to what My Guy had submitted, so I went with my #2 option. 

Kate: You May Kiss the Bride

I was going for dreamy with the slightly out of focus on the bride and groom, not sure it worked that well.  Yes this is from our wedding, my bouquet was all yellow roses, which is why the photo is in that frame.  Probably not one of my better efforts, but I did find something for the challenge.  

My Guy had taken other photos, but he didn't take this photo till after he got home last night.  

My Guy: Kiss A Few Frogs

He's mixing toys here, Legos with frog croakers (you rub a stick down the frog's back and it sounds like spring peepers).  I didn't realize what he was photographing. My other option was a Lego bride and groom kissing in front of a Lego city hall.  Maybe I should have used that one and we could have written our own fairy tale? 

Queenie came to Grad Girl's rescue again this week. 

Grad Girl: Kitty Kiss

Queenie isn't a cuddle cat, so I'm sure Grad Girl paid for that head kiss.  Queenie probably took off for her window seat afterwards.  As busy as Grad Girl has been getting ready for her big qualifying exam, I'm just glad she's found time to take any type of photo.  

My Guy pulled the challenge card for the upcoming week. 

Another tough to photograph subject, but that's what makes it fun.  I'm really going to have to think on this one.  Grad Girl is a kitty parent, so she has that option. She's also known as one of the "mothers" in her friend group. So she could surprise us next week.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 9/10/2024

Just one week into September and it already feels like the month is just flying by.  The weeks do seem to be getting busier and I have more things on my other stuff to do list, my sewing room to do list has suffered a bit as a result. 

To Do List for 09/03/2024

1. Diatom: Prep top for quilting - progress

2. Chilhowie: Finish 1st pieced border, start on second border ✔

3.  Jewel Box Blocks: Finish blocks - progress

4.  Marble Mystery: Cut background fabric, start assembly - progress

5.  Wild and Goosey: Continue making orange blocks ✔

6.  Sensational Summer Quilt: Continue as leaders and enders ✔

Three check marks with progress on the remaining three items.  Not a stellar week, but not a bad week either.  I'm sure to have more of those over the next few weeks as we've got other stuff going on.  I have some technical work that needs to get done, plus as the weather has cooled, there's some stuff around the house that really has to get done.  

Having said all that, this week's list is going to be ambitious.  I'm close to finishing off a couple of the to do's from last week, so adding a couple of new items to take their place.  It's a long list this week.  

To Do List for 09/10/2024

1.  Diatom (Quilting Jetgirl): Finish top prep, send out for quilting.  

I finished pressing and de-threading 3 of the 4 rows of blocks. It shouldn't take long to finish the last row of blocks. The plan is to do that this morning before I head out to lunch with My Guy. Hopefully I can also find a box and get it packaged so it can go out today as well. 

2.  Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter): Add last border

The strips are all sewn together, I just need to measure the top and cut the strips, then sew them on.  Shouldn't take to long to finish off this top once Diatom is off the cutting table.  

3.  Jewel Box Blocks (Cynthia Brunz Designs): Finish blocks

I finished six blocks, but ended up cutting enough fabric for 16 blocks.  These are pretty easy to assemble so they should be done by the end of this week.  I raided my 4.5 and 5 inch scrap bins for the HSTs. Making these blocks did empty both scrap bins enough that there is room for more scraps (yeah!).

4. Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Continue to cut fabrics and work on September clue.

Not the best picture, but I wasn't going to take all the pieces out of the baggies.  The background is all cut and I have plenty left over. I was concerned I wouldn't as I'm a 1/4 yard short based on the yardage charts for the project.  I still need to cut one more fabric before I can start any of the assembly.  That should happen this week sometime.  

5.  Rhododendron (Bonnie Hunter): Make label and binding

Rhododendron came back from being quilted last week.  Trudy did a great job with it.  If I can get the label and binding made, then there is a good chance this quilt can be finished next week.  

6.  Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making orange blocks

The RSC color for September is darks. Since all my blocks use black, I'm just going to keep making the orange blocks.  I don't need many more before I'll have all that's needed for this color.  It would be nice to have another color finished off. I finished off yellow last year.  

7. Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Mystery (Kevin the Quilter): Continue as leaders and enders project.

This has been one of the easiest leaders and enders projects I've done.  Progress is slow, but there is progress.  I had to cut a bunch more blue scraps, but completely forgot to take a photo.  

That's my list this week. It's a bit ambitious, but hopefully that will encourage me to spend more time in the sewing room this week. Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday

Monday, September 9, 2024

Nothing New on the Design Wall

It was a busy weekend.  We spent some time with the family celebrating my sister's birthday.  So I didn't get much done on the stitching front over the weekend.  Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter) is still up on the big design wall. 

I finished the pieced border and the narrow orange strip border.  The final teal border is still over at the sewing machine. 

Almost ready to cut the first strips for the last border.  By the end of the week, Chilhowie should be a finished quilt top.  Before I get to that though, I need to prep Diatom for quilting and get it sent out for quilting.  At some point in the next few days I'll need to figure out which to be finished and which to be assembled project needs to be added to the in progress list.  So there should be something new up on the design wall next week.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 36 of 2024


Lower temps and lower humidity made for a much more pleasant week.  But it's still summer here, true autumn weather is several weeks off for us.  It's still much nicer in my sewing room in the afternoon then it is outside.  Still easy to maintain my stitching time streak last week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Sept = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 251/251 days
  • Success rate = 100% 

I'm still stalled on processing scraps, but I have made a bit of progress on pressing fabric and reorganizing the fabric closet.  

The bin is almost half empty. It's been a month since I started on this refill.  I've not had as much time to press fabrics, so it may take a couple more months to empty the bin this time.  But I'm happy with the progress I'm making, even if it is slow. 

Are you happy with your progress year to date?  Have you had time to stitch or has it been just one of those years?  

1. Frédérique
2. maggie f
3. Karen
4. DonnaleeQ
5. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
6. Jennifer in Indy
7. Deb in Canada
8. Bonnie in Va
9. Andrée at Quilting & Learning
10. Amanda

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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Week 123 Photo Challenge: Sleeping

All three of us enjoy this photo challenge.  It's been such fun to see what we each come up with.  But some week's are more of a challenge to find a photo then others. This week was that way for me and My Guy.  


This isn't an object, it's an activity.  It would be easy to take photos of each of us sleeping, but to be honest those probably aren't the most interesting subjects.  I struggled all week with getting a photo. In fact you can tell from mine that inspiration didn't strike till this morning. 


Kate: I Should Be Sleeping

Actually, I tried this earlier in the week with my I-Phone and that didn't work.  It's amazingly hard to get a good photo in total darkness. I had to go to the kitchen to turn on the lights there to adjust my camera settings to avoid waking up My Guy.  Yes, I did go back to sleep for a bit after this photo.  I'm at the age where sleeping thru the night doesn't happen all that often anymore.

My Guy went with a similar theme, but ended up with a very different photo. 

My Guy: Shhh-the Neighbors are Sleeping


Can you see the stars in the sky over the sleepy neighborhood?  Thankfully the worst noise we get during the day and night is the high school kid with the souped up Jeep who guns it as he leaves the house.  Thankfully, we can't hear him in the bedroom.  

You could say that Grad Girl had it much easier this week. 

Unlike sleeping old people, sleeping kitties are cute. Though a black cat can be extremely difficult to photograph. Queenie likes to nap in Grad Girl's closet on the pile of blankets/quilts.  It's out of the way and dark, a great place for a kitty looking for an uninterrupted nap.  

All in all, I don't think we did so bad with last week's subject.  Next week's subject will probably be challenging for all of us. 


I have some thoughts. We'll have to see if any of them actually become photos.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

August 2024 PHD Report

With all the hot, hot days in August, the sewing room was the nicest place to hang out most days.  Consequently there was a lot of progress on the various projects.  Now that we've moved into September it's time to link up with P Designs USA for the August PHD Report.

Another finish added to the chart with no new starts. That's definitely a good month.  So I'm up to three finishes for 2024.  The latest finish was my 2024 Stay at Home Round Robin (Quilting Gail) project. 


This quilt, named The Shadow Demon, is destined to live at my daughter's apartment and be snuggled by her black cat, Queenie.  It was such a fun project to make and turned out better than I expected.  Grad Girl is thrilled with it and that's the best thank you there is.  It's also nice to finish one of the quilts that was started this year.  

Just one finish, but there was good progress on a number of other projects in August.  

A few more orange blocks filled in the center of Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter). 

It takes so long to get all the blocks up on the design wall, I'm just going to stick with summary shots of all the blocks of the color I've been working on. Since September is dark neutrals, I'm going to continue with the orange this month as all my blocks have black in them.  Still a long way to go before all the blocks are finished, but I'm happy with the progress so far with this project. I'll probably need another year or two to get all the blocks done. We'll have to see what next year's quilt plan looks like, it could become a primary project to finish next year.  

Not a lot of progress on the new leaders and enders project, The Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt (Kevin the Quilter). 

I've been alternating making yellow and blue 4 patch blocks.  So far one blue and one yellow set of 10 have been added to the project box.  

It's definitely been a year for catching up on Bonnie Hunter mystery quilts. Back in February all the blocks for the 2022 mystery, Chilhowie, were finished as a leaders and enders project.  It went back into the project box as I was in the middle of several other quilt alongs. In August, Chilhowie came back onto the active list as my next quilt top to finish. 

The sashing is finished and I've started on the borders.  Chilhowie won't be finished with all the pieced borders Bonnie used.  My plan for the left over blocks is to use them on the back.  

Diatom (Quilting Jetgirl) became a finished quilt top during the month. It's next on the list to be finished.

The backing fabric has been washed. Hopefully, the backing will be pressed and cut soon.  

The 2023 Bonnie Hunter mystery, Indigo Way, became a finished quilt top during August. 

I'm not sure it will become a finished quilt before the end of the year. But I am thrilled to have it to the finished quilt top stage before the next mystery comes out.  

The August block for the Guild's 2024 BOM was finally cut out and pieced. 

Just two more blocks and then the setting pieces left to make, so just three more months of clues left.  

The project tracker is definitely showing more color/longer bars. 

One more finished quilt and two more finished quilt tops are the primary reasons.  I had hoped for more finishes this year, but it helps to see the progress in other areas.  There should be one more finish in September and hopefully another one in October. That would get me to five this year, so better than the last couple of years for sure.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 09/03/2024

Is it really September?  Seems like it was the beginning of May just yesterday.  Now summer's end is looming. It will be a quick march to the end of the year.  But I should slow down and just take it a day at a time.  

Looking back at last week, the to do list was pretty simple.  

To Do List for 08/27/2024

1.  Diatom: Piece backing, prep for quilting ✔
2.  Chilhowie: Finish sashing, start borders  ✔
3.  Wild and Goosey: Continue making orange blocks ✔
4.  Simply Sensational Mystery: Continue as leaders and enders ✔

The hardest item on it was getting the backing for Diatom finished up.  Next week's list is going to be a bit longer.  

To Do List for 09/03/2024

1.  Diatom (Quilting Jetgirl): Prep top for quilting

The backing is assembled, pressed and de-threaded.  So if I can get the top done quickly it can go out for quilting quickly.  it would nice if it comes back before my girl's weekend with Grad Girl.  

2. Chilhowie (Bonnie Hunter): Finish pieced first border, start on second border

Still have a bit left to do on that first pieced border.  The next two borders will be strip borders.  Those will go faster, but never as fast as I think they should.  

3.  Jewel Box Blocks (Cynthia Brunz Designs): Finish blocks

Cynthia who hosts the Quilting is More Fun than Housework blog has posted the next block drive for Many Hands and Many Hearts.  The blocks are black and white with bright blue, greens and purples.  My scrap bins are pretty full, so this seemed like a great opportunity to pull out a few scraps and make a few blocks for charity.  The white and black fabrics are left overs from other quilts. Using those will make some more space in the fabric closet.  So a win/win for everyone.  So far I have 8 cut out and ready to piece. 

4.  Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs): Cut background fabric and start assembly of for the September clue.

After much dithering, I finally decided this is the fabric pull for the mystery.  I had contemplated doing red, white and blue, but Grad Girl pointed out that I had just finished  RWB project.  I really like purple and I like monochromatic quilts.  Hopefully these will all play well with each other.  

5.  Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter): Continue making orange blocks.

It would be fun to finish off all the orange blocks I need this month.  Doubt that happens, but I have a few weeks to see how much progress I can make.  

6.  Simply Sensational Summer  Scrap Mystery (Kevin the Quilter): Continue as leaders and enders. 

This has been a wonderful scrap buster and easy leaders and enders project.  Still have a ways to go, but I'm enjoying making the 4 patches.  

That's my to list for this week. Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.  

Monday, September 2, 2024

Finishing Up and Starting Out

Labor Day weekend has been a bit cooler, but it's still been pretty humid.  My Guy took Friday off and we've been out and about a bit.  No big plans for today, we'll probably just chill around the house. It's supposed to be nice today, so maybe an after dinner walk will happen.  

There's been a few good hours spent in the sewing room this holiday weekend.  Most of the progress has been on the 2022 Bonnie Hunter mystery, Chilhowie.

The sashing is all finished and the first pieced border has been started.  I've dropped the teal from the pieced border.  I like the cleaner feel of just the orange flying geese with the off white backgrounds.  I'm not finishing with the second pieced border in the pattern, I'll go with simple borders for the finish.  The plan is to use the border blocks when I piece the backing.  Not sure I can finish the borders this week, but there should be good progress towards getting this project to finished quilt top.  

I've not started a new project since February. But this Thursday the first construction clue for the Marble Mystery (Meadow Mist Designs) is released.  The fabric requirements and cutting instructions have already been released.  But I've been fine tuning my fabric choices and finally decided on these. 

I prefer to cut my fabric as I go. Less likely to loose a few pieces that way.  I'm a little short on my background fabric, so I probably will cut all of those pieces at once to avoid refreshing the edge each time I unfold and cut.  I'm still on the fence with fabric C, wondering if it's different enough from the background. Based on the gray scale it should work. 

The background touches all the fabrics, but only A and B touch each other.  I have both darker and lighter options for C, but they tend to be the same tone as the darker and lighter fabrics already selected.  Both A and B are left overs from previous projects. The background, C and D have been in the stash for awhile.  These should work just fine.  

That's what's up on the design wall now and what's coming to the design wall in the coming weeks.  Linking up Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 35 of 2024


We finally got a break in the heat this weekend.  Friday was still pretty sultry, but by evening you could feel a cooler breeze blowing. It was chilly enough Saturday for a sweater when we went out for breakfast.  It will heat up again, but I'm going to enjoy the chill for as long as we have it.  

The heat has been a really good reason to hang out in my sewing room. Makes it easier to keep up with my 15 minute stitching commitment. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 day
  • 15 minute days/Aug = 31/31 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 244/244 days
  • Success rate = 100%
It's been fun and definitely motivating to maintain the 100% success rate through August.  I'm curious to see how I fare on that front in September.  

My stash reorganization has stalled just a bit.  I've not done much on either the scrap processing or the fabric pressing fronts. So no photos on either effort this week.  

How did your stitchy week work out?  

1. Gretchen
2. Julie in GA
3. maggie f
4. Karen
5. DonnaleeQ
6. Deb in Canada
7. Quilting Gail
8. Bonnie in Va
9. Andrée at Quilting & Learning
10. Carol @ Quilt Schmilt

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