It's been almost a month since the last photo challenge post. So this post is going to be a bit long and photo heavy.
Everyone has been busy, Grad Girl especially. She was trying to finish up a NSF grant proposal then went right into preparation for her chemistry department seminar. All three of us struggled with getting a photo for the Week 91 challenge.
So many of our photos are of trips and family stuff, it was just difficult to recreate something each of us was happy with. With Grad Girl being so far from home and away from all her friends, she really struggled to find something she could recreate. But we each finally came up with a strategy and produced a photo. It just took us longer than a week.
At first we agreed on 2 weeks to meet this challenge as none of us got anywhere the first week. Thankfully week 2, I was visiting Grad Girl and was able to recreate one of my favorite photos.
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Apporxiately 2001: Scaredy and a very young Grad Girl |
Grad Girl is probably about 2 in this photo . The cat is Scaredy, one of my mother's cats. Yes, she came by her name quite honestly. It was unusual for her to be anywhere but under the bed when we visited. So this was a precious photo in more ways than one. Here's the recreation.
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Kate: Grad Girl and Queenie |
Queenie wasn't being very cooperative with the photo shoot, so this was the best we could manage. But I'm pretty happy with how it worked out.
My Guy and I talked about a lot of options to recreate some of our couple photos from when we were in grad school, but none of those panned out. so he went with a truely historical recreation.
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This is the old train depot in town (built in 1909). We live in a community with a lot of history. If you've seen the recent movie "Flowers of the Killer Moon", the town featured in those events is only a 30 minute drive from us. And like our community, owes it's start to the oil industry.
Here's the modern take on the building.
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My Guy: The Old Depot |
The depot isn't active now, except for Christmas when some years they run a holiday express out of it.
Grad Girl really struggled with this challenge. I searched the photo albums and finally found one where I'd put all the photos she'd taken when she was little. We had a lot of long drives from Texas to Missouri and Oklahoma for holiday visits. It wasn't unusual for one of us to hand her a camera and let her play with it from the back seat to keep her entertained until our next stop. She was infamous for photos of the backs of our heads, close up selfies (before selfies were even a thing) or as shown below, her shoes.
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Grad Girl: Sometime between 2002 and 2004 |
Now that she's pretty much on her own, her recreation was taken from the front seat.
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Grad Girl: Shoes in the Front Seat |
You can definitly tell she's grown a bit and finally graduated from velcro fastenings.
Week 92's card was a more mundane and definitely easier subject. But it was one that was open to some intrepretation.
I went very conventional with my approach. Though I had to raid Grad Girls closet to come up with my subject matter.
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Kate: #3 |
Grad Girl played competitive Volleyball for 4 or 5 years. She kept #3 the entire time she played. An ACL tear in her sophomore year of highschool ended her competitive activities.
My guy went with an alternate meaning of the word uniform, as in "remaining the same in all cases".
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My Guy: Uni-form Not Identical |
I really like his approach. At first I thought he'd taken this at night, but then I realized where it was and I know he took it just after noon. It's a really cool photo.
Grad Girl's uniform is a bit unconventional as well, though the subject of her feet is consistent with last week's photo.
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Grad Girl: It's All About the Socks |
These kitty cat socks are her go to "uniform" when she has to give a big presentation. She wore them for her chemistry department presentation. I believe these were a gift from one of her friends. Her comment was "Cause they are fun and comfortable. No one needs to know about the socks."
If you've made it this far, thank you for sticking it out. The subject for next week is much more mundane than recent challenge cards.
Should be fun to see how we all approach this one.
I can see how those subjects were a stretch. Fruit should be a piece of ... fruit.
These are such fun photos! Love the ones of Grad Girl and the kitties. So interesting to see the train station then and now, too. The kitty socks are great! Why not wear something just a little silly that makes you feel strong and confident?
I really like your family photo challenges. They make my Saturday.
These are wonderful, Kate. I especially like the ones showing grad girl. Fun to see the transition. I'll just say grad girl and I are in sync with the socks. I love a cute pair of socks. Also love the train depot. I like old train depots almost as much as I like lighthouses.
Recreating an old photo would be hard, but it was fun to see the depot now and then. Love the leaf picture!
What a fun post! Loved it all - all of your takes on the photo recreation and on uniform. And especially love the kitty one. Queenie looks just as excited as my Katy would be - they could be twins.
When we lived in Bartlesville in the 1970s, I could not have cared less about history. We saw that train depot many times but never even thought about it. I did a little Googling to check out the movie info to see that movie was filmed in Pawhuska and Osage County. Haven't seen it yet but want to now, just to see the scenery!
Haha, I like the Grad Girl/cat photo
I don't always make over to your site for your photos but I do enjoy seeing how you interpret the word. Especially got a kick out of the shoes and socks.
Such fun challenges, Kate. I think recreating a past photo would be a challenge. Love the one with Grad girl and the kitties. Precious. Looking forward to the fruit challenge.
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