Wednesday, July 3, 2024

June 2024 PHD Report

Hard to believe that we've already passed the half way mark on the year.  June was busy with lots of non sewing stuff, so though I managed to keep up with my stitching time, there's no progress in my PHD Report. 

No new starts, so that's a positive.  But no new finishes. Even so there was good progress towards making that happen in July.  

My second oldest UFO was moved along and underwent a name change as well.  What started as the Grandmother's Choice quilt along with Barbara Brackman is now Kate's Choice as I've been picking the blocks for this sampler. 

Almost two more rows of blocks have been added since the end of May.  Just two more rows of blocks left to make.  The plan for this quilt is to finish it as a quilt as you go.  I'm hoping to get to the quilting part before the end of third quarter.  We'll see how that goes.  

We went to Texas for a conference and some kitty sitting, so the travel project also saw a bit of progress. 

Since we have family time planned for the 4th of July holiday, it will see some additional progress in July. 

Work on the Wild and Goosey blocks (Bonnie Hunter) continued with the addition of a few new blue blocks.

I've been making these blocks in the RSC colors (So Scrappy).  July's color is teal.  Hopefully I can make some good progress on those.  

My one hope for a finish was the 2023 SAHRR (Quilting Gail).  But the USPS delivered my check for the quilter to the wrong address, so that delayed the shipping back to me.  

I did get the binding made and attached to the front, but there wasn't enough left of the month for me to finish the hand stitching to the back.  There will definitely be a finish for July.  

Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter) inched along in June as well.  

The last 4 setting triangles are not quilt assembled, but I'm getting close.  I discovered as I was putting these blocks up on the wall, I've been laying out the rows incorrectly.  I'll need to stay on top of that when I get to assembly. 

The 2024 SAHRR was given a good press and de-threaded last weekend.

It was packaged and shipped out yesterday. So hopefully it will be quilted and back before the end of July.  It would be nice to have another finish before the next PHD report. 

I didn't quite get the Guild BOM caught up for June. 

July's block will be one of the 12" blocks, so it should go a bit faster than June's did. 

The June progress tracker shows one more bar almost all the way across the chart.  

Not much movement on the rest of the chart, but not all progress shows up well in a chart.  Next month there should be some more obvious changes in this chart (fingers crossed). 

Linking up with P Designs USA for the June PHD Report.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 07/02/2024

We had heavy rains with strong winds over the weekend, followed by high humidity which has made it just miserable to be outside.  I had to run errands a couple of days last week and came home needing naps afterwards. I'm pretty sure one day I got dehydrated and just felt crappy for most of the day.  All that to say, I didn't make as much progress on my to do list as I had hoped. 

To Do List 06/25/2024

1. 2024 SAHRR: Prep for quilting ✔

2. Kate's Choice: Continue making blocks ✔

3.  Guild BOM: Finish June block - progress

4. Wild and Goosey: Continue making blue blocks ✔

5.  Indigo Way: Continue as leaders and enders ✔

Not a bad week, the important to do items got done.  We have some plans to hang out with family over the 4th of July holiday.  So I probably won't get as much time in my sewing room this week, so my list will be pretty easy going.  

To Do List for 07/02/2024

1.  2024 SAHRR (Quilting Gail):  Package and mail

That should happen today. I need to find a box and print the label, but that's pretty easy. 

2.  Kate's Choice: Continue making blocks. 

I added one more block to the design wall yesterday.  I'm still playing with layouts for the blocks.  Probably a couple more weeks before all the blocks are made for this project. 

3. Guild BOM: Finish June block

The July block has already been posted, but it's one of the smaller 12" blocks.  Hopefully that means it will have fewer pieces to assemble.  

4. 2023 SAHRR (Quilting Gail): Hand stitch binding. 

The quilted top showed up late last week. Though it wasn't on my to do list last week, I took time to make the label and the binding.  Over the weekend the binding got sewn to the front and I started the hand stitching.  I turned the first corner last night, so three left.  I'm really excited to finish this quilt.  

5. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter):  Finish up blue blocks, start teal blocks

I have two blue blocks in progress, one of those is almost finished. So when I start the next block it will be teal. 

6. Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue as my leaders and enders project. 

I finished one of the four remaining setting triangles.  I should finish all of them this week. Then it's assembly time!  

Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs will release the fabric requirements for this year's Marble Mystery tomorrow.  That will be my next new start. Cutting instructions will follow in August, but I tend to wait till the first clue comes out in September before I start cutting.  I need to finish off a few quilts between now and then.  The two SAHRR quilts will give me a bit of a start on that effort. 

Linking up with The Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday. Good luck with all your goals this week and for those in the US, have a very fun holiday. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Progress on the Old and the New

It was nice to be home and be back in my sewing room for the week.  Summer has truly taken hold and it's far to hot to do much outside. At least that's my justification for all the sewing room time last week.  There was some good progress on the second oldest project. 

Another 4 blocks are up on the design wall and 2 more are under construction at the sewing machine.  

Just 9 blocks left to finish the planned layout.  Once the blocks are done, it will be time to spend some time practicing how to quilt on my domestic machine before I give the quilt as you go approach a try. 

Sunday afternoon was spent prepping the 2024 SAHRR for quilting. 

Thankfully the black and orange didn't require much in the way of de-threading, but the off white with the orange/gray/black stars frayed quite a bit.  Even so snipping loose threads and pressing didn't take to long.  Now I just need to find a box and get it shipped out for quilting. 

Linking up with Design Wall Monday and Patchwork & Quilts