Monday, December 30, 2019

2020 Quilting Ambitions

As 2019 comes to a close, I've been looking back at my 2019 Planning Party Post to see how I fared on this year's quilty ambitions, I'll summarize those tomorrow.  I've reviewed enough to decide on the quilty focus for 2020.  I'll share these plans at the 2020 Planning Party hosted by Quilting Jetgirl.  

2020 Planning Party

I'm going to keep it really simple this year in hopes of making really good progress on my goals.  

2020 Ambition #1:  Finish 12 quilts in 2020

My record for quilt finishes in a single year is 7 quilts, so 12 is really a stretch goal.  I really want to work down the UFO/WIP list.  There are currently 26 active projects on my list. That's the largest total in the ten years that I've been keeping track.  

I'm going to play along with Quilting Gail's 2020 PhD program in hopes it helps my focus on project completion.  Here's my 2020 list. 

2020 Ambition #2:  Continue to host the 15 Minutes to Stitch Sunday linky party and get in 15 minutes of stitching time six days each week (or 85% of the time) 

In previous two years the goal was to work in 15 minutes/day every day.  That hasn't resulted in more finishes, though I'm sure it has contributed to progress on projects.  But with work and the various life events that happened this year, trying to fit in stitching time seven days a week every week was often stressful. Hopefully walking back the time commitment won't affect my progress much.  The intent with this goal is to just be consistent about getting in sewing room time.  

I'm leaving it at just two goals this year.  I really want 2020 to be the year of UFO busting.  Good luck with your quilty plans for 2020.   


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Your first goal is ambitious enough and I have way more UFOs than you. I hope once the longarm is working right with the new frame - I'll bust those babies right out of the park.

Marti said...

Good goals especially when you need focus on finishes. Since I have not been sewing, even 15 minutes, I can tell you that the longer I am away from it, the harder it is to get started again. I'm looking forward to the 15 minute challenge in 2020 to get me back in the groove again.

Happy New Year!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Best of luck with your goals for 2020!! One stretch and one manageable goal is a good mix. You can SEW rock this, Kate!

newsurfiegirl said...

Glad to see you are going to do the 15 minutes a day again. I am hoping to get back on track with my crafting so I’m looking forward to joining you. I’m not game to look at how many ufos I have but hoping to make some progress there too.

Quilting Gail said...

Hi Kate!
Yes, 15 minutes a day DOES mean progress on projects! I've appreciated your encouragement to continue this practice!
I'm glad that you're joining in the PHD in 2020!! You're already off to a roaring start with your list prepared!
Best wishes for 2020!
Happy Quilting! :-)

Cheryl said...

You are very organized with your WIP, I look forward to seeing them next year.

dq said...

Thanks for hosting again, Kate. It really motivates me and my 15 minutes always turns into more.

I love this group!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm always amazed at how much can get done by consistently working, and I hope that the combination of your two goals leads to a lot of joy and progress in 2020.

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

I think you're wise to keep to just two specific goals that can help you finish UFOs. It's amazing what even a few minutes of stitching a day can accomplish over time, but it shouldn't be another source of stress. Best wishes for a happy new year!

Barbara said...

Great goals. I’m usually able to finish one top and quilt one quilt per month, so your 12 in 12 sounds totally do-able to me. Happy New Year.

Jennifer said...

Those are both great goals! Look forward to following along with you in 2020!

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Two good and achievable goals Kate. I’m sure you can do the second one, the first one will be challenging but you can do this, just keep your focus and you will be fine. Just think of how you will feel this time next year when you post about your accomplishments, it will be fantastic! I find it helps me to print out my goals and put them up on the wall to tick off when accomplished. Happy New Year, it’s going to be a great one.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I love it! and your goals inspire me!!

Shelina said...

That is an ambitious goal to make that many quilts and so inspiring. I know you can do it! Thanks for continuing to host the 15 minutes to stitch. It does motivate me so much!

Susan said...

Love the new Logo!