Thursday, December 26, 2019

To Do Tuesday - On Thursday

Happy Boxing Day!  We don't recognize that holiday in the United States, but several other countries do.  Hope every one had a very happy holiday.  You might guess that as I'm just now drafting my Tuesday To Do list on Thursday that our holiday week was busy.  Actually our holiday was a bit rough. It started off with me waking up with a nasty cold on the 18th. I didn't feel really great again until Saturday.  Then My Guy developed complications from his October surgery, putting him back in the hospital for emergency surgery last Sunday.  So most of my time prior to Christmas was spent either in bed or at the hospital.  Thankfully My Guy's surgeon and the nursing staff worked a few small miracles and he was able to come home Tuesday evening, so he was home for Christmas.  He's doing well, but has another three to four weeks of recovery ahead of him.  

Needless to say I didn't get very far on my last to do list 

Weekly To Do List 12/17/2019
1. Twinkle Stars - Add borders     progress
2. Frolic - Finish Clue 1, continue clue 3, start clue 4  progress
3, Mosaic Mystery quilt - finish the December clue  progress
4. Winter Quilt - finish clue 4 and clue 5, assemble  progress
5.  2019 Christmas Mystery - finish sashing, add borders  progress

So no check marks for last week, but at least there was some progress on every item.  That being the case, I'm just going to keep the same to To Do list for the week of 12/24/2019

Weekly To Do List 12/24/2019
1. Twinkle Stars - Add borders     
2. Frolic - Finish Clue 1, continue clue 3 and 4, start clue 5
3, Mosaic Mystery quilt - finish the December clue  
4. Winter Quilt - finish clue 4 and clue 5, assemble  
5.  2019 Christmas Mystery - finish sashing, add borders 

I didn't get any photos of the progress on my quilt projects, but My Guy and I did get a walk in yesterday so I could play with my new 18 to 400 telephoto lens. It's pretty cool. 

I was able to get a reasonably decent photo of this red tail hawk from the road.  And then a great shot of the sky as the sun was setting. 

Hopefully, I'll get in some decent stitching time in the next few days, and a few updated project photos.  We had to reschedule Christmas with the extended family, so we'll have that sometime this next weekend.  

Happy stitching this week.  


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hope the surgery went well - bad time for the holidays but to have any complications at all!

Sandra Walker said...

Wow!! on that hawk shot! We have a lot of red-tailed ones here too. I'm glad your husband was able to be home, and hope he's well on the road to recovery, definitely scary stuff Kate. Sending you hugs.


Oh my goodness--but I am glad to hear that both and hubby are on the mend-
and that last photo is really awesome--that needs to be printed off and framed--
luv, di

chrisknits said...

Sorry to hear your guy was back in the hospital. My Dad had a brief stay last weekend, so we were very glad he was able to be home for Christmas. Many blessings on your family today and the remaining year, may you all be healthy to close out 2019!

MissPat said...

Sorry that your husband needed more surgery, but thankful he was able to come home for Christmas. Hope 2020 bring you both good health and for you more time to spend on your quilt projects. Happy New Year.

Linda in Arkansas said...

So happy to hear that you both are on the mend, and will be enjoying better health. Merry extended Christmas to you and your family.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better, Kate! Tell "My Guy" that the quilters said to take it easy. Hoping the SIT had a great holiday and that you enjoy your fancy new camera lens!

Louise said...

I hope everyone recovers quickly and fully! May the new year bring you good health, too. I know your sewing will get back on track in good time :)

seabreezequilts said...

we don't celebrate Boxing Day, our state has Proclamation Day on the 28th (when our state was proclaimed a colony ) but with commercial pressure we now have the holiday on the 26th so we can have boxing day sales like the rest of OZ. We are heading for 4 or 5 days of heat wave again. Hope your guy continues to get better and you get in a little bit of relaxation over the coming weeks.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So sorry to hear that your Guy had to go back for more surgery, but glad he was home for Christmas, and already out for a walk! Amazing that you made any progress on anything at all, Kate. Hope the new year starts with you both feeling much better!

Barbara said...

Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry about My Guy. He’s probably feeling pretty beaten up by now, and I can imagine you were very worried. What a way to spend the holidays. Beautiful photos. Hopefully the new year will be kinder to your family.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Let's hop for a healthier New Year for both you and your Guy! Hang in there a new year is just around the corner! Hugs

Donna said...

Tough year at your house! Glad he was able to get home for Christmas. Hope you all have a better year next year.

Shelina said...

It sounds like tough holiday at your house. I am glad you are both on the mend and were able to spend Christmas together. The photo of the hawk is gorgeous!

Marti said...

I am so sorry your guy had to go back to the hospital and you were sick. Tell him to mind his P's and Q's this time, although I'm not really sure what P's and Q's are. Partners and Quilters?

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh, what an unexpected week! Glad you are both doing better and hope you have some time to relax this week!

Emily said...

Oh my goodness! So sorry to hear about the emergency surgery, but I'm glad your guy is home now and back on the road to healing. I hope things settle down a bit for you both! Happy New Year!