Saturday, June 1, 2024

Week 112 Photo Challenge: Old Vehicle

We took two weeks with this challenge.  All three of us struggled to come up with photos with this as the subject.  

On the surface it doesn't seem to be that hard, but it's not been the easiest subject to find in either community.  My Guy is happy with his newest shot, Grad Girl and I are going with what we came up with.  Some weeks are just going to be that way.  

Kate: Vintage Honda

I spent a some time photographing the wild flowers with a macro lens. Walking back to the house, I focused the lens on my graduation from grad school present to myself, a 1989 Honda Prelude.  My parents, espeically Dad, had a say in my previous 3 cars.  This one I got to pick out for myself.  The car is desperately in need of restoration, someone reached out not long ago interested in it. So we've decided to let it go to a new home.  My Guy just doesn't have the time or inclination to restore it right now.  

I went close in, My Guy chose a more wide angle shot for his subject. 

My Guy: Steam

We have an old train depot here in town that includes the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe No. 940 steam engine.  Built in 1948, it's part of the historical display in downtown.  And yes I checked, a train is considered a railed vehicle according to Wikipedia.  I like that he chose to go black and white for this shot.  

Grad Girl also struggled, she's been busy so if she can't find something in the lab that fits, it pretty much has to be on campus. 


Grad Girl: College Wheels

I don't see any vintage bikes in the photo, but a few are showing their age. Texas A&M has a pretty impressive set of bus routes, but the schedule is very abbreviated for summer.  So riding in the rain is the only option for some.  It's a huge campus, quite the hike from end to end in any direction.  

So what's the challenge for this week? 

This one could be really interesting or really boring.  I'm looking forward to seeing what we each come up with. 


Donna said...

Love the train picture! Tools is a broad category. Can't wait to see all the interpretations.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Grad Girl's photo of the bike racks just took me right back (almost) 50 years! The bike was how I got everywhere for my whole 4 years of college. Good memories! Hondas are such great cars and do seem to last forever - we have an 18 year old Honda Element that we're just starting to think about replacing. And love the old steam engine - they're always fun to see!

Barbara said...

They’re all good takes on the theme.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such fabulous photos, Kate. I was wondering where y'all would go with the photos considering all of the options. Your photo took me back to my 1st car that I got to choose; it was a Honda. I loved it. Looking forward to seeing next weeks photos. Hugs.

Linda said...

Really great shots - all of them!

Jennifer said...

One of my best friends had a Honda Prelude too, she used to trade with me for my sedan when her parents came to visit, it was a fun car to drive!