Sunday, June 23, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 25 of 2024

It's been a very busy week.  I've not spent much time in the sewing room, most of my stitching efforts have been handwork and 15 minutes was about all the time I had to play with needle and thread most days. There was a bit more time for stitching during the weekend. Some weeks are just that way. 

  • 15 minute days/week =  7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/June =  22/22 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 =   174/174 days
  • Success rate = 100%

So it was a pretty good week. I've hung onto my 100% success rate, but I stitched really late a couple of nights and it really was just 15 minutes.  Just goes to show if you are motivated you can find the time.  But boy was I tired by Friday!  

Because there wasn't a lot of sewing room time, there also wasn't much time to spend on scrap processing and fabric pressing. But I did get a bit done before the week really ramped up.  

The #1 big bag of scraps is empty!  That feels really nice.  My scrap bins are getting pretty full, so I'm going to need to start some some scrappy quilts soon. Unfortunately there is a #2 big bag of scraps. 

This bag is taller than the #1 bag, so it may take a bit more to empty.  But at this point I have one less bag to trip over in the sewing room. So that's a big win.  

The to be pressed bin was empty after last week's efforts. It's been refilled and I made a bit of progress on working down the new stack of fabrics to be pressed and folded. 

These fabrics are the ones that were just tossed on the top of the wire rack in the fabric closet. They weren't stacked neatly, so it as hard to see what was up there. Many of these are years old, but it's like I've got a bunch of new additions to my stash now that I can see what I've got.  It's been worth the effort to get my stash better organized.  

How was your stitching week?  Were you busy in the garden or on the golf course? Or hold up in the sewing room due to either excessive heat or large amounts of rain?  

1. Julie in GA
2. Karen
3. DonnaleeQ
4. Deb in Canada
5. Andrée
6. Bonnie in Va
7. Melisa- Pinker n' Punkin Quilting
8. Celine
9. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts

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Gretchen Weaver said...

Sorting and pressing your fabric is a good way to be organized. I've been machine quilting a bunch of small projects during the heat of the afternoon. Have a good week!

Julie in GA said...

Way to go on getting in some stitching time even on your busy days. That 100% success rate looks great!

Linda said...

Looks like you stayed really organized last week. I had a couple days in the garden - it exhausted me but felt good. Finally got in the sewing mood and made a little gift bag for my grandson and fiance's engagement party yesterday. We need to clean house this morning, but I hope to get some sewing time in. Hope you are feeling better and stronger each day.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

nice to get more organized - I got one bin reorganized and sewed or quilted at least a little bit every day

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I hope your week was the fun busy kind, and not the tediously busy that you just want to get over with! That next scrap bag looks like it could have a red, white, and blue quilt in it. My week was not too bad - time for a little but of everything!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Kate, good for you for keeping up your 100%! 15 minutes is 15 minutes and it all counts! I've spent tons of time stitching up to get ready for our outdoor art show. I love it but I'm getting tired. Today, after I stop procrastinating by linking up, I have a book to make so that I know what I'm doing when I teach tomorrow. At least I'll have my computer, pictures and samples with me! Take care and good luck next week!

Bonnie said...

Funny how we forget fabric we have if we can't see it. I opened a plastic bin yesterday and was very surprised to see a lot of navy fabric. Most wasn't big pieces but there was quite a bit of usable fabric in there. So I used a little bit of it! Hope this week finds you in the studio more often.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I am so glad you were able to squeeze in at least 15 minutes of stitching time a day, Kate. You are doing such an amazing job on sticking to your goal. Like you I had a busy week too with at times just getting in 15 minutes myself. Enjoy your week and Happy quilting. Hugs.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Yay for getting organized! I've really worked at keeping scraps to a minimum lately but I think I might need to do some purging there. I was obv too busy golfing and gardening but it's going to be so hot today and tomorrow that I should actually get a lot of sewing in!

dq said...

I just have to say that you inspired me. Seeing your photos of the scrap bags all cleaned out got me started on my sewing room. I will post a photo that looks similar soon.