Sunday, June 30, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 26 of 2024

There are 52 weeks in a year, so week 26 means we are half way done with the year.  July starts on Monday.  I'm not really ready to accept that the year is half over, but the calendar doesn't lie.  At least the first half of my year has been pretty good in terms of getting in my stitching time each day. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/June = 29/29 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 =  181/181 days
  • Success rate = 100%

I really didn't expect to maintain 100% this far into the year. Having made it this far with that metric is proving to be very motivating to keep it up for as long as possible.  

There was a bit of scrap trimming and sorting into the scrap bins.  I started working on Scrap Bag #2 this week. 

The bag handles were at least uncovered last week and you can see a bit more brown at the top of the bag.  Lots more to trim and sort. It's going to take a bit to work through the bits and pieces tossed in this bag.  

The to be pressed bin also saw some progress this week. 

Still quite a bit to press and fold, but at least you can see a bit more of the sides.  It's been a slow process, but I can tell there has been progress. It's just going to take a while to finish the reorganization of the fabric closet. All the effort will pay off eventually.  

So how are you doing finding time to stitch? 



Julie in GA said...

Very impressive that you are still at 100% after six months! Your clean-up efforts are extremely inspiring.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You're so right - the calendar doesn't lie! Glad you have had such a successful year with your sewing statistics. And the scrap processing is impressive, too. I decided I need to work on organizing my embroidery floss. I've been using it so much lately that it's a big mess! Have a great Sunday, Kate!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is so wonderful that you have kept up the momentum. I wish you continued success on maintaining 100%. I am curious .When you are organizing your scraps. Do you cut them down to a specific size or organize them into colors for later use? I have been trying to wrangle my scrap bins as well. Have a great day. Hugs.

Sara said...

You've been making great progress on those scraps. I need to get back into dealing with scraps again. None of my bins are currently looking more empty except for the 2.5" square box.

dq said...

You and I, at the same time I might add, are daily organizing those scraps. I should maybe get a post up soon about my project. There are lots of things to post about at the first of the month with goals and all.

Great job on your progress and 100%. I have never made it this far into the year at 100%. You are motivating me to keep rolling forward as usual.

Bonnie said...

I'm impressed with your steady progress. I was looking around my studio today and thinking I need to do some serious work on controlling the scraps and cleaning up some of the spaces. I'm not sure when I'll try it but I did cut a few scraps into usable pieces for a block this week. Of course, it didn't make a dent at all!

Carol Andrews said...

Congratulations on maintaining that 100%. Just look at you getting so much of the bag of scraps tamed and ironing so very impressed with you managing to keep it going! 🤗 Carol