Tuesday, June 11, 2024

To Do List for the Week of 06/11/2024

Last week my motivation for getting to the sewing room was a bit low. I managed at least 15 minutes each day up till the weekend. The solid afternoons of nothing but stitching made the difference in getting my to do list checked off for last week.

To Do List for 06/04/2024

1. 2024 SAHRR: Prep back for quilting ✔ 

2. Kate's Choice: Continue making blocks ✔

3. Guild BOM: Cut fabrics, start assembly of June block ✔

4. Wild and Goosey: Make blue blocks ✔

5. Indigo Way: Continue as leader and ender project ✔

I've been keeping the list simple and not very specific.  My goal is progress so that type of list works for me.  This week's list is going to be pretty much the same as we have a pretty busy weekend coming up. 

To Do List for 06/11/2024

1. Kate's Choice: Continue making blocks

The LeMoyne Star is coming along. Paper piecing was definitely the way to go with that block.  The pieces for the next block are all cut.  I'm hoping to finish out at least another row of blocks this week. 

2. Guild BOM: Finish assembly of the June block

I've got two of the corner blocks laid out incorrectly, but I'll fix that before assembly. Once this center is assembled, the block has four more borders to bring it up to 24".  That should be doable this week.

3. Wild and Goosey (Bonnie Hunter):  Continue making blue blocks

I've finished two blocks and started two more.  How many I make depends on how much I sew.  I'm hoping to finish at least 8 this month. 

4. Indigo Way (Bonnie Hunter): Continue as leaders and enders project

Just a few more triangles in a square to finish and I can start assembly of the four setting triangles left to make. Surely I can get that far before the end of the month.  

That's my list for the week.  Linking up with the Quilt Schmilt for To Do Tuesday.  


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The blue blocks for Wild and Goosey are delightful (but blue is my favorite color, so no surprise they speak to me)! Looks like you have some potential to really move a few of these along this week if time in the sewing room speaks to you.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Woo Hoo on completing last week's "To Do List"! Indigo Way is moving right along as leader / ender project. It looks so complex.I wish you the best of luck in this week's goals. Happy quilting. Hugs

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your LeMoyne star looks great, and I love the fabrics you've picked for the next block! That floral with the purple flowers is so pretty. Good luck with your list for the week!

Barbara said...

The LeMoyne Star looks great. I don’t think I’ve made one of those before. It looks pretty with your fabrics. Glad to see you getting back to your sewing. Seems like your knee surgery has been a success.

Carol Andrews said...

My goodness Kate you have such a variety of projects on the go. Wild and Goosen is beautiful and I love your Guild block. The new Bonnie z Hunter one looks quite intricate! Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday and sharing your progress. I hope this week is rolling along with lots of progress and fabric fun happening in your part of the world. 😉