Sunday, June 9, 2024

Stitching Stuff: Week 23 of 2024

It's been a slow week, other than a doctor's appointment (all restrictions from knee surgery have been lifted) and my weekly coffee date, not much else going on.  So I've definitely had time to get to the sewing room, but unfortuntely not as much motivation.  Thankfully there was enough get up and go to keep the 100% streak going.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/June = 8/8 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 160/160 days
  • Success rate = 100%

I did sew for almost an hour most days once I made it to the sewing room. So I'll have progress to show for Monday's post.  

The scraps are still being pressed, measured and cut.  It was really hard to see progress in last week's photos, but if you look closely you can a sliver of the bottom of the bag on the right hand side. 

If I can keep up the momentum, maybe I'll be able to empty and fold up scrap bag #1 so then there will be just one scrap bag to trip over by the end of the month. 

The "fabric to be pressed" bin is definitely much lower.

Most of what is left is fat quarters and maybe a couple of two to three yard fabric cuts.  I should be able to empty this bin before the end of the month. That won't be the end of pressing fabric, I have some fabric that needs to be pressed and refolded to fit the shelves I have now. So the bin will be refilled again and the process starts over. 

Now that the kids are out of school, yard work has picked up and vacations are here how are you doing at keeping up with the stitching time?  

1. Gretchen
2. Julie in GA
3. Karen
4. DonnaleeQ
5. Jennifer in Indy
6. Bonnie in Va
7. Dq at Dreamworthyquilts
8. Amanda
9. Frédérique
10. Quilting Gail

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Gretchen Weaver said...

I'd rather be outside than in the sewing room during this time of the year. When the dog day so of summer arrive, then I'll be glad for a cool studio to stitch in. You are making progress with your bags, they'll be empty soon, happy stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So glad to hear you've made it past all the restrictions from your knee surgery! That's got to be a relief. You've done so well with your scrap processing, too. I try to keep a balance between time working outside and time inside this time of year. I like to keep up with both!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have been keeping up with stitching every day - sometimes in the evening and sometimes in the heat of the afternoon. It looks like it will be in low 90's all week!!

Jennifer said...

Glad to hear your restrictions have been lifted and great progress on your scrap bag and ironing bin.

Bonnie said...

My stitching time is getting in. But I agree my motivation isn't as strong as usual. Most days were at least an hour or two. We'll see how motivated I am this week. I didn't come up with a big goals list this week. You did make good progress on the ironing. Do you have to refill that whole container with the fabs that need to be refolded? Maybe just take them down as you get to refolding. And, notice I did say refolding not ironing and refolding.... call me lazy but I think I'd gently refold -- not iron and refold. Hey -- just trying to help you out here.

Bonnie said...

You've made great progress today. You are almost done with the ironing chore. Hum, could you skip the ironing part of the iron and refold plan? Do you actually not re-iron fabric when you start to use it? (Can you guess who might skip the re-iron part and go straight to the folding?). Glad to hear you have full use of your knee now. So, when do you sign up for that marathon. (Sorry -- I couldn't help myself! :-)! Have a quilty week.

seabreezequilts said...

Glad you have the all clear for your knee. I haven't been spending much time at the computer, DH always seems to be doing some research everytime I want to get on and answer emails and work is ramping up so the last thing I want to do is look at the computer at night at the moment. But I have been keeping up with sewing and crochet. I've been having fun playing with fabric all weekend, so my motivation is high on the stitching front.

Linda said...

Yay on the lifted restrictions! I hear you on lack of motivation. I like ironing (does that make me a nerd?), so I would enjoy ironing scraps and fabric. I need to finish two things right now, and I just can't seem to make myself do either one. So I read instead - lol!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is so wonderful that the restrictions have been lifted. I am so glad you are doing well. Great job on organizing and getting those scraps ironed.

dq said...

Great job getting those scraps organized. I sincerely need to do that as well.