Monday, June 24, 2024

A Week of Handstitching

Last week required a bit of retooling.  I attended a chemistry conference.  Something that's been off the to do list since I retired.  I had to wear dress up clothes and heels. Plus remember a bit of chemistry and statistics.  It was fun and I'm going to be more active going forward.  I've missed the technical parts of my previous job, joining a couple of the technical committees will help fill that void.  

Since I was in meetings most of the day, then social activities into the early evening, there wasn't any sewing room time. I did manage to fit in a bit of hand stitching on my travel project each evening just before bed. 

I finished the upper wing, moved the hoop and started on the lower wing.  Some of the stitching happened while I was cat sitting.  

Grad Girl was a bridesmaid for one of her graduate school friends and needed someone to feed the cat while she was gone for part of the weekend. The conference wasn't that far away, so I volunteered for sitter duty for a couple of nights after the conference. 

Now that those obligations are done, I'm looking forward to spending some significant time in my sewing room this week.  Linking up with Monday Design Wall and Patchwork & Quilts.   


Gretchen Weaver said...

The butterflies are a good evening hand project. I'm glad you enjoyed the conference, happy stitching!

Linda said...

I used to wear heels when I worked, and now I can't wear heels at all. Last time I had them on was 2014, and I had to take them off within an hour - lol!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Sounds like a great time - Dressing up, a little thought provocation, Cats and stitching - love it!!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Glad you were able to attend the conference and enjoyed getting back into your field! (Although I'm not so sure about the dressy clothes and heels, lol!) That is a pretty butterfly you're working on there, too. It's so nice to have a hand stitching project to take along when you're traveling.

Sara said...

Cat sitting and hand stitching - a great way to decompress in the evenings after a busy day. I do miss the "brain stimulus" of my professional life, and miss those conferences and workshops. Don't miss having to get dressed up and wear real shoes. LOL

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm glad you found a way to enjoy parts of your job that you missed and that it also was close enough to Grad Girl you could cat sit. Sounds like the hand stitching was the perfect travel project for last week!

piecefulwendy said...

I agree with the other commenters, it's great that you were able to go to the conference and revisit some of the work aspects you used to enjoy. I'm sure Grad Girl was happy to have you cat sit for a few days. Our daughter's dog loves it when we dog sit, but more because hubs takes him on walks (he's too big of a dog for me). He considers me the food source - haha - he knows I'll give him treats.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time at the conference. I bet it brought back lots of fond memories as well. Your butterfly is looking amazing. You know me - I love butterflies. LOL. So glad you was able to work on it this past week. Enjoy your week, Kate and Happy quilting. Hugs.

Barbara said...

I got a chuckle out of your conference attendance. I was going to try to keep my license current when I retired. I worked so hard to get it, and it was hard to let it go, even if I didn’t plan on working again. Anyway…it meant attending conferences. I so didn’t want to go that I let my license lapse. You ended your career before you were ready, and so I can totally see why you’d want to keep your head in it. Glad you found a way to stay current.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

There are days when I feel I could work in my quilt studio forever, and then there are days where I need stimulating convo, to be part of something important, or whatever. I think it's so good for us to have that...challenge (for lack of better word--it's pre-coffee over here!).

Bonnie said...

It sounds like the conference was a winner. But I don’t envy you dressing up — heels? Not tennis shoes! Cute kitty. And good job on your stitching.

dq said...

That is exactly why we keep hand work around.
Now I see where Grad Girl gets her scientistic interests from.

Jennifer said...

Sounds like a good week!