Tuesday, December 28, 2021

To Do Tuesday for The Week of December 28 2021

 My last To Do Tuesday post was on November 30th.  December was just a desert in terms of having time to stitch. I'm hoping to make up for that a bit this week since I'm on vacation till the new year.  Here's the status of that last To Do List. 

  • Cabins and Fans: Ship out for quilting - no progress
  • Scrappy Butterflies: Make alternate 9 patch blocks
  • Macaron Mystery: Start clue 6 
  • Rhododendron Mystery: Finish clue 1, start clue 2 
  • Unity: Continue making flying geese for step 8 
So not a bad showing considering how badly the month went on the stitching front.  I decided to wait till after the Christmas holiday to mail out Cabins and Fans in hopes I'd have more time to get to the post office when the lines weren't so long.  

I got in a good afternoon of stitching time yesterday and I'm hoping for more of the same the rest of this week.  

Cabins and Fans: Mail out for quilting

I need to write the deposit check, fill out the address labels then tape up the box and attach the labels.  The plan is to get this to the post office today.  

Potions: Start making the blocks

Potions: Pattern from Flying Parrot Quilts

This quilt needs to be finished by May, so I need to get started on it or it won't be finished in time for graduation. The fabrics are all selected, I just need to read the pattern and get started on the blocks.  

Macaron Mystery: Work on clue 6

Macaron Mystery by Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs

 Clue 6 shouldn't take too long, there aren't that many square in a square blocks to make.  Hopefully I can get this clue done so I'm ready for clue 7 next week.  

Rhododren Mystery: Work on clues 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Rhododendron Mystery: Bonnie Hunter 2021 Mystery quilt along

I'm way behind on this mystery quilt along. Clue 1 was finished, but I didn't start any of the other clues till yesterday.  I've made a little progress with clues 2 and 3, but none at all on 4 and 5. Clue 5 was only released yesterday. Hopefully I can make good progress on these 4 clues so I'm in better shape for clue 6 on Friday.  

Unity: Continue making flying geese for Step 8

Unity, 2020 Bonnie Hunter Sew-In-Place Quilt Along

Progress hasn't been fast, but it has been steady.  I'll take that. Just 2 more stars and the top border will be ready to add to the quilt.  

That's my To Do List for this week.  Linking up with Linda the Texas Quilt Gal for To Do Tuesday.  


Juliana said...

I'm impressed with your steady progress, even though it seems slow to you. I don't know who first said it, but Gretchen Rubin (author of The Happiness Project and many other really good books) loves to say that we overestimate what we can accomplish in a day or hour, etc., and underestimate what we can accomplish in steady small increments of time. I always look forward to reading your weekend recap of how many days you hit your 15 minutes of sewing and your Tuesday To Do post.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it was nice to watch the progress on Cabins and Fans will look forward to seeing the quilted finish!!

Sara said...

I just LOVE the colors you've used in each of these mystery projects. Happy sewing this week. Potions should be lots of fun to see come together.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It sounds like you have some time off this week! Hooray for that and wishing you some happy hours of sewing. Potions looks like it will really make a fun quilt!

Ivani said...

Hi Kate, you mafe progress on all your projects and will have much fun stitching this week. Love the stars you are sewing for Unity, so pretty in those colors.
Happy New Stitching Year!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like that Potions one!

grammajudyb said...

Steady progress is great progress. Potions is a very interesting pattern. A great graduation quilt for a scientist, doctor, chemist I should think. I need to download the clues for Rhododendron Trail. I'm away from my machine and a printer til after the New Year, but I want to have the files to print when we get home.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Looks like you'll have your quilt ready to ship out today. I hope you have a fun week stitching!

Cross Mountain Quilts said...

Your specific plans with pictures are very inspiring! I have to start doing this too, which would mean for me less 'random' progress which doesn't always feel satisfying. Checkmarks for reinforcement even! Thanks!