Sunday, February 4, 2018

Week 5 of 2018: 15 Minutes to Stitch and A Stash Report

Some weeks are good, some weeks are rough, some weeks have a little of each.  I would classify this last week as one of the rough ones.  The effects are clearly visible in my 15 Minutes to Stitch report for this week. 

Having a goal to stitch 15 minutes each day has always been about incentive and making the most of the time I have each evening to do something I enjoy.  It's so easy to just play on the computer or become a blob in the recliner.  But some weeks, life just intervenes and it just doesn't happen the way you plan.  I had one of those days this week.  There have been a lot of deadlines at work, I ended up working one evening at home finishing up some paperwork that was due the next day, so I didn't make it upstairs to stitch. But the rest of the week went well. 

Days with stitching this week:  6 out of 7 (Sunday to Saturday)
Days with stitching in January:  31 out of 31
Days with stitching this month:  2 out of 3
Days with stitching this year:  33 out of 34
Success Rate:  97.06%

My goal is to end the year with a 90% success rate.  So I'm still on track with that.  How did you do with finding time to stitch last week?  You can link up below if you feel inclined to share.  

Even with missing one day of stitching, there's still a bit of stash going out this week:

Fabric used this week:  0.33 yards
Fabric used in 2018:  8.35 yards
Fabric purchased in 2018:  0 yards
Net fabric out out for 2018:  8.35 yds

I've been holding the line with not making fabric purchases. Being too busy to sit down at the computer and read email helps a lot on that front.  I've been trying diligently to get email read and keep up with everyone's blog postings, but it's just been a bit crazy with work stuff lately.  I've been told it will calm down once we get to March.  

So if you want to share your successes, challenges, failures, with finding time to stitch, you can link up below.  I'm also linking up with Quiltpaintcreate for the weekly stash report.  Happy stitching this next week. 

1. Melissa G
2. Julie in GA
3. maggie f
4. Mary-Kay
5. MartiDIY
6. Jennifer in Indy
7. Susanne
8. Shasta
9. Aileen K
10. Emily @ The Darling Dogwood
11. Christina's Handicrafts

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


chrisknits said...

Some weeks will be hard, best to view your goal in the long term. I am upside down on fabric in/fabric out, so must work on the end!

Anonymous said...

I think your success rate is good. I tend to work toward getting a certain amount of time in the sewing room in total in a week. It takes the pressure off the bad days but still keeps projects moving forward.

Sandy Panagos said...

It's a big job keeping up with all the blogs I enjoy, so I get that. You are doing so great with your 15 minutes a day, I have every confidence in you that you'll make at least 90%.

Marti said...

I think you are doing great. It's hard for me to keep up with blogs, email, and what little work I do around here, so kudos to you for doing all that AND working full time. Sorry you have another grinding month at work before it settles down.

Sandra Walker said...

Good for you in making that time; I know personally that the computer eats up way too much time for my liking.

make.share.give said...

97% is still a high A in my book :) Thank you again for bringing back the linky party. Weekly accountability rocks!

Shelina said...

Sorry you had a rough week, but you are really doing well with your 15 minutes to stitch. The stitching hopefully makes the week a little better.

Jennifer said...

Even in a rough week, you made time 6 days, and I think that’s great! Hope this week feels a little less rough.