Thursday, February 1, 2018

One Monthly Goal: February 2018

A new month starts today, which means it's time to look at the priority list for the sewing room and to decide on what's the February One Monthly Goal.  

Entries for the Magnolia Mystery Parade over at Meadow Mist Designs are due on February 15th.  All my block pieces are made, but I need to sew all those pieces into blocks and then get them into a finished flimsy before the 15th.  

 Magnolia Mystery by Cheryl Brickey of
Meadow Mist Designs

The pieces are all laid out on the design wall ready for assembly.  What looks black in the photo is really a very deep magenta color.  I think a finished flimsy is doable by the 15th.  Since my goal is to cut the number of projects on the UFO list in half, this needs to be finished.  So the February OMG is to not only get this to finished flimsy stage, it's also to piece a back and get it ready to go out for quilting.  

Since I can't seem to work on just one thing, writing up a priority list helps me keep those multiple projects moving. Here's this month's list:

1.  Magnolia Mystery, finish flimsy, piece back, prep for quilting
2.  Bind Geek Chic
3.  2018 RSC Squared Away sampler blocks in purple
4.  2017 RSC Fan blocks - finish the last two
5.  Sawtooth Star blocks in purple - make 5
6.  On Ringo Lake - leaders and enders project

My priority list is down to 6 items from the 7 on the January list.  I'd like to get it down to just 4 items each month.  At least I'm going in the right direction.  

Good luck on your goals for February.  Linking up over at Elm Street Quilts for the February One Monthly Goal.   


Marly said...

You have quite a few evenings' work waiting for you for the next two weeks! Good luck in reaching this goal. I think your colour choice is lovely: magenta and yellow is an unusual combination, but it works brilliantly here.

Rebecca Grace said...

Your Magnolia Mystery blocks look great. Good luck on your SMGs (Six Monthly Goals!).

Lynette said...

Love that floral background around each block. You'll have a lot of nice block work this month, looking at your list.

Quilter Kathy said...

Wonderful to-do list for February! ENjoy!

Karin - BluePip Designs said...

I'm in the exact same spot - got mine all laid out on the floor to be sewn together. My local quilt shop is offering a free yard of fabric if you bring a quilt in to be quilted before the second so I've got a little extra motivation to finish it up today!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

You are going in a great direction! Love your Feb OMG

Alison V. said...

This is going to look awesome when it is finished!

AnnieO said...

Plenty of stitching in your plan for the month. I can’t seem to settle on much but do have a deadline for a swap to help push me!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Loving the yellow.

Anonymous said...

Your Magnolia Mystery colors remind me of pansies. :) Nice color choices. Good luck on getting your OMG done! Good for you for being so close finishing Geek Chic. I got as far as a flimsy on my daughter's quilt and then lost my momentum. I really need to pull that back out.

Patty said...

Loving fabrics for the Magnolia quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

Libby in TN said...

Your Magnolia Mystery looks so fresh and springy!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Six goals is ok ;) Beautiful Magnolia quilt

Bonnie said...

I like the idea of lowering the # of UFOs hanging around. Good luck with finishing some things off and not adding to the UFO list during the year! It is a challenge to either not start anything new or start and finish something.

Marti said...

That is a beautiful quilt. Six goals for the month, you make me feel like a sloth. lol

Emily said...

I really like your Magnolia blocks! Good luck getting your top pieced together!

Sandy Panagos said...

Wow, that is quite a list! I really like those blocks. And I LOVE magenta!

Jennifer said...

The top looks like sunflowers! Love the bright yellow and look forward to seeing it - and your other projects - throughout February.