It's been a couple of weeks since I've written a progress report on my WIPs. It's been harder the last few weeks to find time to sew during the week. With the holidays coming up, other things have required more attention. This week especially. We are hosting Thanksgiving this year with My Guy's family. That's meant spending some time doing deep cleaning in a few areas of the house. So there hasn't been much stitching going on this week.
Even though there's been no stitching, I did use the rotary cutter and my cutting table last night. Our dining room set is almost 30 years old and the chairs are starting to show it.
We use these chairs pretty much every day so it's not a big surprise that they are starting to show some wear. I've been wanting to recover them for a few months now, but My Guy and I couldn't agree on a fabric. But with family coming, we really needed to do something about the cushions that were ripping at the front. So last night Drama Teen and I went to Hobby Lobby to look. Before we left, I was suggesting we look for brown or dark blue. My Guy said he wanted beige again, as close as possible to what's on the chairs now. That's not what we came home with.

We started out looking at the beige offerings, but they were either not the right weight or not in the right price range (I thought quilting fabric was expensive, it's been a while since I've had to buy home decorating fabric.) Drama Teen picked out this gray with silver and gold. It's a good neutral, it's not beige, it fits in with the rest of the house pretty well and it was on the lower end of the price scale, so it wasn't hard to convince me. My Guy didn't like the fabric when I pulled it out of the bag once we got it home. I talked him into letting me recover just one of the cushions. I've learned over the years through discussing my quilt ideas with him that he cannot visualize how a fabric will look in the finished project. After looking at the first finished chair he decided he liked it well enough to let me do the rest. So though the chairs don't look brand new, they no longer look like thrift store finds.
I did get in a few minutes in the sewing room earlier in the week. All the pieces of the McCall's Mystery quilt got laid out on the design wall and I started sewing together the first couple of rows.
This one may just make it to the finished flimsy stage before the end of the year and will likely be my first finish for 2016. My last finish for 2015 will be Back to Square One. The binding is all made. Now I need to come up with a name for that one and make the label before I can start stitching down the binding.
That's my progress for the week. I'm linking up with
Wishing everyone in the United States a very happy Thanksgiving.