Sunday, February 26, 2023

Stitching Stuff: Week 8 of 2023

It's not been the best week on several fronts. I wrote earlier that my shoulder was not happy. It's gotten worse since my post on Tuesday.  It hasn't hurt this bad in years. I've been on a steady diet of anti-inflammatories and heating pads this week. Most days I was able to get in 15 minutes of stitching time, but no more than that.  I've had to stay off the computer, so I'm way behind on blog reading and email replies.  Finally on Saturday, I found all the computer connectors to allow me to hook up to my old work from home set up that is much more ergonomic than my normal computer location. Even so, I have to limit my time on the keyboard.  So my apologies for the late replies to last week's link ups and comments. The shoulder seems to be slowly healing, so hopefully by the end of this week it will be mostly back to normal. Still, I'll have to watch my stitching and computer time till the inflammation is completely gone.  

I'm really not ready for it to be week 8 of 2023. 

The sore shoulder affected my ability to get in all my sewing time this week.  

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Feb = 22/25 days
  • 15 minute days/2023 = 49/56 days
  • Success rate = 87.50%

I missed one day this week, I was just too sore to even lift my arm up to the sewing machine.  By the end of the week I was able to stitch for about an hour, but most days it was just the minimum 15 minutes of stitching time. I'm hoping the worst is over and next week will be much better on stitching and computer time.  How did your stitchy week work out? 

1. Amanda
2. Frederique
3. Gretchen
4. Julie in GA
5. Ivani
6. Karen
7. DonnaleeQ
8. Shasta @ High Road
9. Carol Andrews
10. Janice - Jannimary

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seabreezequilts said...

So sorry to hear about the bad shoulder, mine acts up from time to time only thing that helps is a torture massage from my remedial massage lady which usually ends in tears from me and her having to avoid flying limbs (which she is very good at). You find how much you need your shoulders when they are sore which is just about everything. Hopefully you are on the mend.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Oh Kate, I hope your shoulder will heal very soon, and allows you to stitch as many time as you want. Still, sewing almost every day this week is great!

Julie in GA said...

I'm impressed that you managed to get 6 days out of 7 for stitching time while in so much pain. Take it easy, and I hope your shoulder feels better very soon!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

is it the shoulder blade area that hurts? I wonder what you did to cause it. The left shoulder blade for me started to ache awful last week and I didn't do anything that I can think of to set it off, I have Mike rub in some bio-freeze in that area deeply and that well help 2 times a day and first thing in the morning I use heat on it, stretches etc. But what caused it to happen in the first place!

Shelina said...

Please do take care of yourself. Getting a more ergonomic setup will help.

Carol Andrews said...

I hope your shoulder continues to heal quickly and you can keep computer and stitching time to a minimum.

Janice said...

I do hope your shoulder comes good. There is nothing worse that not being able to do the things that you enjoy. You did well to get any stitching done.