Saturday, July 10, 2021

Photo Challenge Week 2

Welcome to week 2 of our family photography challenge. The basis for the challenge is a deck of Photography Idea Cards that My Guy received for Father's Day.  

We select a new card after dinner on Friday and have till dinner the next Friday to find a shot that meets the challenge.  This week's card was:

Definitely a subject open to interpretation.  We all did very different things.  

Kate: Astrodog Didn't Make It 

I was trying for humor, not sure I pulled it off.  

My Guy: Death Shroud

My Guy went with one of the suggestions from last week, dead flowers.  It's really effective in black and white. 

SIT:  Death by Calculus

The Scientist in Training went in a completely different direction, but I think it's my favorite photo for this week. 

Our card for week 3 is:

This one is a little less subject to interpretation.  My Guy will definitely have the advantage here, he's an active bird watcher and avid nature photographer.  The SIT and I will have to work hard to compete this week.  


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So interesting to see how you each interpreted the challenge! I do love your SIT's photo. Even all these years later since I took Calculus, I can relate!

Shelina said...

I love the flower,very creatively executed in black and white. Would you mind if I join you from time to time in this challenge?

Janice Holton said...

I love this photography project you have going on! I am going to look forward to these! Also, wanted to check and see if I need to do anything different to continue receiving your blog posts by e-mail?

Barbara said...

All your images are great. I got a chuckle out of the "death by calculus." I picked up a package of these cards for myself. It'll be a fun project when we make our winter trip south.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I love it!! I totally got yours and laughed!! your husbands is beautiful and your daughters - oh my gosh!!!! Too funny!!


I love your new game--and really enjoy seeing each of you and how different each photo is--
I did look up the cards--but haven't gotten them yet--I really need something like this to get me back to doing photos--photos that is besides quilting stuff!!!
Have fun with this weeks challenge--
luv, di

MissPat said...

I guess it's a good thing none of you work in a hospital or for law enforcement. Fun to see your different interpretations.

Ivani said...

Different interpretations and great photos.

piecefulwendy said...

What a fun idea for the three of you to share! Great interpretations for this week's prompt. Looking forward to the next!

seabreezequilts said...

Great interpretations I find it really hard to think outside the box for these types of challenges. Mo had a project to illustrate a piece of fruit or veg which showed 15 words each word had a page in her art journal. I was really amazed at how she drew an apple to show, happy, sad, death, dark, light, in, out and quite a few more word I can't remember.

Quiltsmiles said...

Wonderful Kate. Great skill booster besides stretching out of the box(es) for some of those pics. I'm quietly playing along with your draws. Thanks

QuiltGranma said...

wings: airplanes, bugs, ...

Jennifer said...

Love it, and the SIT definitely wins with calculus!