Friday, September 4, 2020

10 Years at Life in Pieces

 Today is Life in Pieces 10 year blogiversary.  It's been ten years of stash reports, design wall Mondays and connecting with some of the most creative, inspiring and fun people. I'd name names, but I'm sure I'd leave someone out. I don't belong to the local guild as they only meet during the week and this working girl isn't able to attend. But I've been so fortunate to have what I've come to think of as my on line guild. There are weekly show and tells, demolish your UFO programs, work down your stash programs, tutorials and my most favorite things the quilt alongs, BOMs and mystery quilts.  

The blog has been a place to record not just the quilty stuff that goes on, but also what's been going on in the rest of my life.  When I started the blog Kiddo (aka the Scientist in Training) was 11 years old. 

Mom (and Dad) spent a lot of time at volleyball practice, volleyball games and volleyball tournaments. There was also swim practice and swim meets in there too.  I have a lot more stitching time these days and I do not miss those o'dark thirty morning rushes to get out the door headed to somewhere for some sporting event. But I do miss the girl now that she's mostly all grown up and off at college.  

While the SIT has changed a lot, my sewing room hasn't changed too much in the last 10 years.

Though it is a great deal messier. 

Maybe because I have more time to hang out there?  We'll go with that explanation. 

So thanks for posting such cool, fun, inspiring stuff. And thank you for hanging out with me, for all the moral support, for all the suggestions, and for all the wonderful comments over the last 10 years. 

It wouldn't be a blogiversary without a give away. So I have this fat quarter bundled of Anthology Batiks from Windham Fabrics to help celebrate. 

Leave me a comment about what you like best about blogging, if you not sure what to write.  I'll pick a winner on Saturday, September 12th and announce it on next week's 15 Minute Challenge post. 

For those in the USA, have a relaxing Labor Day weekend.   


ledamewood said...

I love almost all of the projects you undertake. It has been a joy to see your fabric selections, and the tweeking options you come up with in EQ.

Chris said...

Congratulations! I just realized that I started blogging exactly 7 years ago today. What a wonderful journey this is blogging about something we love and sharing with others around the world.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

So many blogs I follow (and started from the beginning) are celebrating 10 yrs. this crazy Covid year. My own is coming up as well. I've enjoyed your tenure journey. HA - at least you have the vacumm in the room (that cracked me up for some reason). Bloggers are an extension to our quilt guild(s). Virtual stitching buddies who share tips, tricks, diversity, patterns and ideas. I have learned so much from so many from so many places I could never travel.

Barbara said...

Congratulations! It’s a big commitment to spend ten years on a blog. (I know!) Love the reminder. I remember Kiddo. It’s been fun watching her grow up. I enjoy your posts and your organization with your charts and lists. Looking forward to another ten years. (By then, I’ll probably be blogging from “the home.”)

Denise :) said...

Congratulations and a very Happy Blogger Anniversary!!! It's cool to take the trip down memory lane, isn't it? We share an anniversary month on blogger, too! My first post was September 1, 2003. Quite a very lot has changed since then! Like you, my blog is more than just quilty crafty stuff ... it's my life; a window into my world, so to speak! I love that about this community and those tend to be my favorite blogs (and bloggers!), too. Have a very happy looooong weekend!! :)

Rebecca said...

What I love about blogging is reading them!!!
I love seeing the process and planing and even the changing that happens to a project from start to finish or stall.
Keep it up and thank you for taking the time to post and let us know what is happening in your home and creative world.

Julie in GA said...

Like you, the blogging community serves as my substitute quilting guild. The variety of talents and creativity from all over the world never ceases to amaze me.
Your blog has been a favorite for a long time. I love seeing your quilts as they progress, and I also enjoy hearing what's going on besides quilting.
Happy anniversary and here's to many more bloggy posts!

AnnieO said...

I’m happy you’re still quilting and blogging after a decade! I’ve enjoyed watching all your stitching and family time these years. Connection with others from around the globe is my favorite thing about blogging! That’s why my little blog still exists :)

Quiltsmiles said...

Though I've been a slacker blogger since my husband's health issues, and computer, photos complications that I still need to fix I have enjoyed the friends made while blogging. Typically I shared those highlights of my life, quilting, projects, family, traveling, and occasionally my simple point of view.
Fantastic giveaway with that Anthology fabric bundle, thanks for the chance. And happy Blog - aversary!


I love reading your blog every time you post and so look forward to seeing how your quilts and family are doing-you have added a bit of joy to my life--I really don't know where I would be today if it were not for blogging and all the friendships I have gained --and some of those strong friendships don't even blog anymore-but we still stay in touch--best wishes for a happy 10 more years of quilting and sharing with your life with others--thanks--
luv, di

piecefulwendy said...

while I haven't been a reader of your blog for the past 10 years, I have enjoyed the past year (maybe two?), hearing about SIT's adventures, and seeing your lovely quilts. What I like about blogging? Definitely the social aspect!

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Happy 10 years! I've enjoyed reading your blog for many years. Thanks for keeping the sewing room picture real!! Now I don't feel so bad about the shape of mine!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Happy blogiversary, Kate! Here's to the NEXT 10 years of blogging (and quilting) fun!!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Happy Blogiversary! 10 years is a long time to keep it up, and I'm happy to have found you a few years ago. I love many of the same things you do about blogging - especially that online community to share with and be inspired by! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! Being able to see other quilters choices in fabric and or patterns opens up a world of possibilities for me to try.
Seeing bits of a quilters life adds to the friendliness of the quilting community.

chrisknits said...

The best thing about blogging is the online friends!!! They are very important now in the time of dealing with the world at large. Happy Blogiversary!

MissPat said...

Congratulations Kate, on 10 years of blogging. While I don't have a blog myself, I thoroughly enjoy reading lots of blogs. It's fun to see what everyone is working on and get new ideas (way too many new ideas) for possible projects. It's fun to learn about the families and about other parts of the country, and indeed, the world. Here's too many more productive years. Enjoy the holiday weekend with at least a little sewing time I hope.

Elaine Sihilling said...

I love reading the blogs I don't have a blog but I like reading what everyone is doing or working on and now that my house is empty of the kids I have more time to sew it takes a lot to get use to and the blogs help a lot

Libby in TN said...

Congrats on 10 years! I count all my bloggers as "virtual" friends. My husband knows all your secrets ...

Linda in PA said...

Happy 10th blogiversary! It is amazing how quickly time passes! I went through running kids to practice and early morning and Friday night trips to games and band competitions. I had a nice break from it all and enjoyed it. Now I have granddaughters who need shuttled about and their games and events to attend. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance.

Louise said...

Ten years! Wow, that's commitment. Happy blogaversary! Isn't it great to be able to look back through your writing and remember all the quilts? I'm finding that really useful with my own blogging. Of course, the community of people that connect through blogs is the very best part :)

Darlene said...

Wow, 10 years is an accomplishment. I enjoy reading quilting blogs and seeing everyones projects. I attended a local guild but it disbanded due to aging members and turned to blogs for inspiration and ideas. Thanks for sharing.

Katy Sweigart said...

Congratulations on ten years! I love that blogging has connected me to the most wonderful people. I love sharing ideas and tips and learn so much from my readers and other bloggers.

DawnyK said...

I love the progress. Seeing other people's progress and being able to post my own. Blogging seems to help me clarify my thoughts and projects. I like having access via my phone and laptop. It is like a virtual quilt guild meeting. It helps me feel like I am still in touch with the social distancing going on after newly moving into a home across the country. Thanks for sharing with us for the past 10-years. I haven't been around that long, but I have enjoyed your blog since I found you.

Kimberly Smith said...

It looks like your design wall is all on one side now, and you added a door? There's a warmth about the room, inviting pajama sewing of course, and room for a friend to join in. I'll be right over, lol. Thanks for blogging all these years and not going exclusively to something more 'instant'.

Jean said...

I always look forward to reading your blog and get inspired by the many projects you make. This year has been a challenge for everyone and reading about how you are dealing with all things makes everyone's life a little brighter - thank you!

Shelina said...

Happy Blogiversary. I enjoy blogging universe for the same reasons you do. I really am glad that you are a part of it since you make it much brighter and keep me motivated to keep stitching.

Cathy said...

Happy Blogaversary! I’ve been enjoying reading your blog for about 3-4 years (through the RSC). I also blog, and have been doing that for 13 years (although my 10th anniversary slipped by unnoticed by me). I’m keeping an eye on the number of blogposts I do, however. Kinda/sorta. LOL. I love reading quilting blogs and the sense of friendship and community we quilters share. It’s a wonderful thing in these difficult times! Anyway, congrats again!!

Emily said...

Congratulations on 10 years! I have not been with you that whole time. I think I started actively participating in the online quilt world in 2015. I started following you when you were making dresses as your RSC block. I like the online camaraderie and encouragement from fellow quilters.

Jennifer said...

Happy blogaversary! What an accomplishment to be stitching and sharing for all this time - I’m so glad I found you along the way and thank you for the 15 minutes challenge you’ve given out that pushes me to find more days with creative time!

Terri in BC said...

I was way more productive when I was blogging regularly, but I still read many faithfully (including yours). I need to start joining in on some your linky parties, and get back to it! terri-fisher (at) shaw (dot) ca

seabreezequilts said...

Wow 10 Years happy Blogiversary. I just looked at mine and I've been blogging for 13 years, not always consistently. All of my posts this last year have been about the 15 minute challenge so you have kept me blogging consistently so thank you. Blogging for me started when I was a stay at home mum and I just kept going it was a way to talk about quilting and crafting and to battle the loneliness that I felt being home with small children. I guess I use it as a bit of a journal to and to run BOM when I am super organised /or not. Don't worry about putting me in the draw. I have more than enough fabric and postage to Australia will break the bank and it may never get here the way postage is at the moment.

Julie A Hutcherson said...

Kate, happy blogiversary!!

I'm not a blogger, but as a still working senior, I am totally with you re "this is my guild". I plan to blog, and will begin in the not to distant future.

As a not a blogger, what blogging means to me, is over 40 open tabs on my tablet, of webpages of like minded crafters of various skill sets/levels and each with varying amounts of time to invest in our shared joyful pursuits, who I can visit, generally daily, who allow me into their lives. I feel their joys and sorrows with the ebb and flow of their lives. Unlike television which is totally fake and artificially crafted, your, and your fellow bloggers type your real lives out onto your pages. I love the realness of it, and cull ideas, and delight in the inspiration which blooms in me.

I comment very rarely, because of the tablet, but feel I know you all, and in my heart you are my friends, even tho I know you (plural) and you don't know me.

Internet hugs from this not IRL friend. Thank you for sharing with us!

Julie in Kansas

Katie Z. said...

Yay for 10 years! I have so enjoyed getting to know you through your blog. I remember when SiT was so little, but she’s not anymore!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Happy Happy Blogiversary!!!! That is so cool - and your SIT - wow - how fun to reminisce! I love blogging because I can use all my extra words for the day ha haha... just kidding - the photos!! I love the photos!!