Sunday, September 27, 2020

Stitching Stuff: Week 39 of 2020

 I'm hoping for a bit of a slow down day today, it's been a hectic week.  Work has been busy, I went in early and stayed late several days last week. I'm way behind on comment replies and blog reading, but have been able to keep up with my stitching time.  Some weeks there just aren't enough hours in the day.  A few nights last week, getting in just the bare minimum of 15 minutes was a challenge.  How are you doing at fitting in a bit of stitching time each day?  

It wasn't a great week for stitching time, but I managed to fit in the bare minimum of 15 minutes each day. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/September = 24/26 days
  • 15 minute days/2020 = 240/270 days
  • Success rate = 88.89%
Getting in those 15 minutes does make a difference, projects are still moving along.

One sewing room goal this week was to decide on the sashing for the Red, White and Blue Stars quilt.  This was my original choice. 

It's not quite the same color as the border, but it blends OK with it and the other stars.  Not all the stars have the exact same shade of red in them either.  But it seemed too busy, so after striking out with options at the LQS, I ordered another fabric. 

The Scientist in Training likes the second option. My Guy likes the first option. So no consensus from the family.  I'm leaning towards option one at the moment.  I've got both options out and up on the small design wall, but just haven't been in the sewing room long enough this week to really contemplate either option. That's part of the stitching plan for this afternoon.  

So how did your stitchy week go?  

1. Julie in GA
2. karen
3. Meloney
4. Chrisknits
5. Sherrie
6. Shasta @ High Road
7. DawnyK
8. Amanda
9. Quilting Gail

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Julie in GA said...

You have a tough choice there--both sashing options look good with your blocks. You might have to flip a coin!

Denise :) said...

Ooooh! You do have a tough choice! I have to admit, I'm in the camp with your guy! The second print is just a little...busier. I hope you're able to get some nice, quiet, relaxing time today! (Before it starts all over again, right?!) :)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is good that you can get in stitching almost every day even though you work outside of the home and so terribly busy - it is a good way to unwind though isn't it in the evening

Barbara said...

Good for you just keeping with it, even if it’s only 15 minutes. The continuity and habit are at least as important as the amount of time spent. I still like the first choice. The second print is busier, but you know...either one is going to work, and it’s going to be a very pretty quilt.

Meloney said...

It is a difficult choice. I like the second one just a tad bit better? Good luck.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

i like option 1 better - seems to brighten up the blocks. I am glad you at least got your stitching time in.... the comments and things... they can wait - but you need to keep you sanity!

Sherrie said...

I like the second really makes the stars stand out. Have a great day!

MissPat said...

While it's nice to receive a reply, don't ever feel obligated to respond to every comment. Your regular followers know what a busy schedule you have. Whichever sashing you choose, I know the finished quilt will look amazing.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Ditto what Pat said about replying to comments - I was thinking the same thing! I kind of like option one in your sashing choices. It doesn't take away the glory from your beautiful pieced stars!

chrisknits said...

Definitely easier to get in my stitching time when I can pick up knitting to fill in. So with lots of travel time this weekend, it was knitting for the win! And 1 day I only got in my 15 minutes by helping students sew at a class. But it was still sewing! LOL

DawnyK said...

I like the second one. Perhaps pictures and looking at the B&W will help you decide. This week was also all about stitching after work for me also.

Shelina said...

That is so close that I would let both the choices sit on the design wall (or floor) and look at it during changing light conditions to see what is your favorite. Sometimes it is good when the family doesn't give you a choice because then you can pick the one you like. (Sometimes I make the decision while asking someone because I am thinking "pick that one.")

seabreezequilts said...

I think I like the first one best. I'm looking forward to a couple of weeks of less running around and we are heading for a long weekend and I'm hoping to sneak in an extra day.

Janice Holton said...

I am a red lover so everything about that star quilt is scrumptious. I had to chuckle when you said you thought #1 was too buy because that is exactly what I thought when you showed #2! #1 seems to be a bit more orderly and #2 is more random and busy. I like #1 but either one will work!